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Village Voice - Volume 23, Issue 34

Writer's picture: Chrissy BarryChrissy Barry

Upcoming Events

  • Tuesday, May 21st, 5:30pm, Board Meeting, in Library

  • Wednesday, May 22nd, 4th Grade Field Trip to Museum of Natural & Cultural History

  • Thursday, May 23rd, 10:15am & 6:00pm, 7th Grade Play

  • Thursday, May 23rd, 6:15pm, 1st Grade Play

  • Monday, May 27th, No School, Memorial Day Holiday

  • Tuesday, May 28th - Friday, May 31st, Spirit Week

  • Wednesday, May 29th, 7th Grade Field Trip to Ashland

  • Wednesday, May 29th, DEIB Presentation - Ayisha Elliott Talk

  • Thursday, May 30th, 3rd Grade Field Trip to Food for Lane County Youth Farm

  • Thursday, May 30th, 4th Grade Field Trip Lane County History Museum

  • Thursday, May 30th, 1:30pm, Spring Concert

  • Friday, May 31st, Medieval Games


Quick Links

In the interest of reducing the sheer length of the Village Voice, we have replaced several repeating items with links to shortcuts:


Administrator's Message

Greetings Village School Community!

We’re on the final leg! Four more short weeks and this year is done and dusted. Preferably with a little confectioner's sugar…

Next week (May 29th at 3:15) we will be hosting Ayisha Elliott for the last of our DEIB sponsored talks. She will be facilitating a conversation about racial equity and education. Ayisha Elliott is an accomplished facilitator, writer, and consultant. She grew up in Eugene, and so will be an awesome voice for how to develop skills to ensure engagement and comfort for everyone at our school. All community members are invited! Please let us know if you will be attending and need childcare. (see flyer below)

Next week is Spirit Week! We hope your student (and you, if you like!) will take a look at the various criteria for each day next week to show your VS spirit! 

Speaking of keeping up spirits, this week will have great nights for looking upward!  Tonight Spica, the brightest star in the constellation Virgo, will rise with the waxing gibbous moon and both will be visible for many hours. Then on the 22nd and 23rd of May the star Anteres will lie next to the full flower moon of May! Because of it’s cool temperature, Antares appears to be red, similar to Mars, and as such  is considered to be the rival of the Greek war god Ares/Roman god Mars. Take a look up and see if you can find Spica or Antares this week!  

We’ve been keeping very busy, trying to get all of our goals met for the year. There have been FANTASTIC class plays, field trips, mentorship presentations, hikes, state testing, district testing, OWL classes, staff meetings galore, speakers, and LOTS of learning happening. Be sure to keep up on reading the Village Voice so you don’t miss anything. 

Thank you, once again, for showing up and being an integral part of the fabric of the Village School. We are ever grateful. 


Roz, Shannon, and Andy


Ayisha Elliott Presentation on Racial Equity & Belonging

Please join us in the Village School Commons on Wednesday, May 29th at 3:15pm for a presentation by Ayisha Elliott. See below for details. This is sure to be a fantastic talk. We hope to see you there!


Measure 20-357: 4J Local Option Levy Renewal

If renewed, the levy would continue local funding for school operations at the current tax rate 

Residents of Eugene School District 4J will vote May 21, 2024, on whether to renew the 4J local option levy for five years. If approved, the levy would continue to provide an estimated $25 to $29 million per year to fund 4J school operations and maintain the current tax rate. The Village School receives about $250,000 per year from the local option levy, which is our 2nd largest source of regular funding, or about 9% of our budget. The levy supports staff salaries, facilities costs, and more. For perspective, Portland Public Schools has a similar ballot levy, but does not share its proceeds with its charter schools.

For more information, please see:


Spirit Week

Spirit Week is coming up! These are the themes:

Tuesday, 5/28: Pajama & Stuffy Day

Wednesday, 5/29: Nature Day - Animals, Plants, & whatever else you like from Nature!

Thursday, 5/30 - Silly Day - Wacky Hair & Outfits

Friday, 5/31 - Dress up in the attire of your favorite job!


2nd Grade Play

The 2nd graders performed their sweet play, "The Story of Jumping Mouse" multiple times for fellow students, as well as for family. Way to go 2nd graders!



Please reach out to with any questions about volunteering! We ask families to contribute 40 hours of volunteer hours per year, and single parent households to contribute 20 hours. If you would like to know how many volunteer hours you have accumulated this year, please let Chrissy know. We appreciate all of your generous contributions of time and energy to make Village School what it is!

Another way to contribute to our school community is by attending Parent Council Meetings! Our final meeting of the year will be on Tuesday, June 11th at 6pm in the Village School Library. If you would like to attend virtually, here is the Zoom link 

*Please make sure to sign in, grab a volunteer badge, and sign out at the office when you volunteer


Kitchen News


Students have been enjoying a new addition to the salad bar this spring - Jicama. Many students have never tried jicama before. It is native to Mexico. It is a member of the pea family and grows like a vine but it is the root that we eat. After washing and peeling them we cut them into sticks for the salad bar. They are crunchy and a little sweet. 

This Thursday we will welcome Farmer Michael from Upriver Organics who will be bringing the first of the season snap peas to share with students. Michael will be here during lunch time to share with us about the farm he works on. We are grateful to Oregon's Farm to School program which supports our work to connect students to local farms.

Toña Aguilar


6th Grade Play

The 6th graders performed their play, "Marty's Murder" for the school and family and friends. Their play was written with ideas from the entire class, with a method where each student designed, created, and developed their own character. Bravo 6th graders!


Guitar Donations Needed

The music program wants your old unused guitars for the middle school music classes.  If you have a guitar sitting around gathering dust, we would happily accept your donation. We can make repairs. The middle school music students will appreciate your gift.


Parent Council

The next Parent Council Meeting will be on Tuesday, June 11th at 6:00pm! We will be meeting in the Village School Library. For those who would like to join us from home, here is the Zoom link 

Please join us and send questions and ideas to

The notes from past meetings can be found here (updated).

Every Village School parent and guardian is a part of Parent Council - Parent Council Meetings are open to all parents and guardians on the 2nd Tuesday of each month.

You can also engage with Village School families on the Parent Council Facebook page, The Village Vine!

Here are the recordings of prior Ophelia's Place Presentations:

Thank you so much to Shannon Boyd for her work on this getting these presentations together for us!

There is a Village School Parent Facebook page called the Village Vine. 

Lots of info is shared there about community events, as well as reminders on school events.

Please take a look!


Upcoming Facilities Work

Security Fencing

The Village School Foundation is seeking bids to upgrade the fencing along 35th Avenue and to install new security gates. If you know anyone interested in this kind of work, please share the following link with them:

Solar Power The Village School Foundation seeks to install 27KW of solar power and 20KWH of power storage. This project coincides with the recent completion of a power upgrade.


The Village School Foundation is releasing an invitation to bid on upgrading HVAC systems for its 3411 Willamette St Site. Separate bids are requested for (2) projects:

  1. Heat Pump Installation

  2. Heat Recovery Ventilators and Ventilation Installation


Help Wanted

Grades 1-8 Spanish Teacher

Job Description   Application

Grades 1-3 Title I Reading Tutor

Job Description   Application

Grades 6-8 Math Tutor 

Job Description   Application

Substitute Teacher & Substitute Educational Assistant

Duties: Serve as substitute teacher or substitute classroom assistant.


Community Bulletin Board

Hult Center News

Arts Access is a ticket subsidy program at the Hult Center that provides free or subsidized tickets to community members lacking adequate access to the performing arts.

What is Arts for All?

Arts for All is a program that supports community members currently using an EBT or Oregon Trail Card. A patron can show their Oregon Trail Card/EBT and can purchase two (2) $5 tickets to many of the Hult Center’s best music, theatre and dance groups. Participation varies by event and will be clearly labeled on our website.  

How does it work? 

Arts For All offers $5 tickets to select Hult Presents shows. Participating shows will have information on the website. Patrons must purchase tickets in person to present their Oregon Trail Card and can then set up an account so it is noted they have purchased their allotted 2 tickets. Tickets will be on a first come, first served basis. Please note, Arts For All cannot be applied to past purchases.

Below are the events we can currently provide these tickets for:

If you have any questions, please contact the Hult Center Ticket Office at 541-682-5000 or




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