Look Up Books
View the entire Village School Library directory online at http://tvs-ind.kari.opalsinfo.net/bin/home.​​
Library Use Agreement
The Village School Library Use Agreement
Every student of The Village School and their parents/guardians have the privilege of using the school library. Students and parents/guardians agree to:
Behave in a respectful, appropriate manner while visiting the library.
Check out one book (Kindergarten & 1st grade) or two books (2nd-8th grade) at a time.
Assume full responsibility for the book and return the book in the same condition.
Return the book on time or ask for a renewal.
Promptly pay the replacement cost of the book if it is lost, stolen, or returned significantly damaged.
Let Ms. Molly know if you have questions or want to help the library.​
Please fill out the library use agreement to start use of library:
Oregon Assoc School Libraries Standards
The Village School has adopted the following OASL/AASL Standards to ensure that every student has intellectual access to information and a broad range of ideas in an atmosphere of free inquiry and confidentiality.
Each school uses a collection development plan, which includes the district selection policy, that is developed with wide participation from the school and community.
All schools develop, adopt, and follow clearly defined procedures for handling complaints and requests for reconsideration of materials in library media collections.
All students have equal access to accurate, appropriate, and current resources within the school as well as the community at large.
Library media resources and services are available to students in an environment that promotes inquiry, creativity, self-direction, communication, and the ability to think critically and make reading choices.
All students are guaranteed access to information and ideas regardless of the format or viewpoint of the presentation. All schools should have a selection policy adopted by the school board that incorporates the principles of the American Library Association "Library Bill of Rights" and its interpretations for schools by AASL.
The school community, as well as parents and the general public, understand the importance of intellectual freedom and are committed to protecting the integrity of the library media collection.
OASL, the OLA Intellectual Freedom Committee, and the Intellectual Freedom Clearinghouse at the Oregon State Library work together to support groups and individuals facing censorship issues and attempts to restrict students' access to information and ideas.
Make a Payment
Ideally books are returned on time and never get lost, but if they do,
please check in with Molly about library fines.
Online payments are possible with paypal: