Upcoming Events
Thursday, October 10th, Walkathon (A few more Volunteers Needed)
Friday, October 11th No School
Tuesday, October 15th, 5:30pm Board Meeting
Thursday, October 17th, 5th Grade Field Trip to Hendricks Park
Friday, October 18th, 1st & 8th Grade Field Trip to A&M Farms
Quick Links
In the interest of reducing the sheer length of the Village Voice, we have replaced several repeating items with links to shortcuts:
Administrator's Message
Greetings Village School Community!!
It’s been a busy week at the Village. We’ve had field trips, walks, an all school sing along, ASEP classes sign ups, picture day, and all sorts of celebrations around campus.
As it always does this time of year, like an Olympic speed walker, the Walk-a-Thon is rapidly approaching! Be sure to check in with your student to see what they might need to get a few pledges for a great cause. The prize this year is a gorgeous globe made from all sorts of different polished stone and shell. The winning class is going to be very lucky this year. Please be sure to read all the information about pickup, as plans this year will be different from years past. Also, if you have some time and would like to volunteer, check in with the office and see if there are any opportunities that fit your skill set.
We hope that your fall is brimming with color and warmth and light!
Roz, Shannon, and Andy
The Walk-a-Thon is coming up tomorrow, Thursday, October 10th! In case you missed it, we have an audio Walk-a-Thon message sent out on Friday.that would be fun to share with your children.
Please be sure to have your children bring water bottles, hats, and good shoes for walking.
Pick up is at SEHS Track (24th east of Amazon) Please fill out the questionnaire to confirm pick up from the track, if you haven't already done so.
Pledging: Pledge forms are available in the office, and, from the online platform, VillageWalkathon.org, you can reach out to to contacts via email, text, and social media. The Walk-a-thon is more fun if students have a fundraising goal for their laps. Our goal is to raise at least $12,000. Half of this will help The Village Kitchen. The other half will support eight organizations committed to community values and ecological awareness.
Here's the prize for the class that raises the most money, a globe made of semi precious stones:

Visits: In the past few weeks we have had several visits from our sponsored organizations. Here's a highlight from a visit from Chintimini Wildlife Rescue to the 6th grade class:
Kathleen Dodge from Chintimini Wildlife Rescue introduces 6th grade class to
Penny, a female Kestril. She also brought a corn snake and a lizard!
Thank you very much for your participation!
We are looking for some parent volunteers to help out with this fantastic event! Please reach out to chrissy@eugenevillageschool.org to let us know if you're interested.
Volunteer Needs
The Walkathon is finally here! Please see the sign up sheet below and get your name down for a shift that looks good to you. We have just a few left! 5th Grade needs 1 more parent to be a Class Coordinator. Please let me know if you are interested in this role. Thank you!
We ask families to contribute 40 hours of volunteer hours per year, and single parent households to contribute 20 hours.
*Please make sure to always sign in, grab a volunteer badge, and sign out at the office when you volunteer!
Please reach out to chrissy@eugenevillageschool.org with any questions about volunteering!
Walkathon Volunteer Signups
Job Openings at the Village School
Garden Coordinator
Grades 2-5 Music Teacher
(2) Spanish Teaching Positions
8th Grade Fundraiser - Wreath Sales
Fundraiser for Cielo de Amor
The current 7th grade class held a bake sale when they were in 4th and 5th to raise money to buy 2 wheelchairs and we are hosting our annual fiesta.
