Upcoming Events
Thursday, January 23rd, 8th Grade Field Trip to McKenzie River Trust
Thursday, January 23rd, Prospective Parent Meeting 5:30 - 6:30pm in the Village School Commons
Thursday, January 23rd, Middle School Presentation for 5th grade families and prospective families 6:30 - 7:15pm in the 6th Grade Classroom
Saturday, January 25th, Board Retreat, 8:30am to 2:30pm. Location Ninkasi Community Room
Quick Links
In the interest of reducing the sheer length of the Village Voice, we have replaced several repeating items with links to shortcuts:
Village Vine This is the Village School Facebook Community.
Administrator's Message
Greetings Village School Community!
We’re hoping that your MLK weekend went well and that you have transitioned back into the swing of things with ease. Here at school we are doing well!
We are very pleased to announce that Profe Santi Lopez has accepted the position of first through eighth grade Spanish here at the Village School. Beyond being fluent in Spanish, Santi has been a lead teacher at KinderCare, daycare assistant, middle school tutor at an after-school academic aid program, and a general assistant at a Spanish School in Massachusetts. They are uniquely qualified for this position and we couldn't be happier to welcome them on board. If you haven’t already introduced yourself during their term as interim teacher for the lower grades in Spanish, be sure to take a moment to do so soon.
Our 25th anniversary party planning is going well, Kari Johnson stopped by our last staff meeting to talk about the mural project, and we’ve got some neat other ideas cooking on the back burners.

Just for funsies today while thinking over the last twenty five years and making plans for the next twenty five, we did a quick tally of the number of years our Main Lesson staff has in teaching…it’s a whopping 190 (give or take) years! Almost two centuries of service to children!
Hoping you’re staying nice and toasty warm in this crispy weather,
Roz, Shannon, and Andy
Annual Giving Campaign

These are samples of the Artist's, Kari Johnson, work projected onto our Courtyard wall.
The annual giving campaign is steadily getting closer to it's goal of $12,000! Our campaign aims to recognize our 25th Anniversary with a new mural to cover the south wall of our courtyard. Our vision/theme for the mural is to capture in a big epic flowing "Diego Rivera" style of the "9 Year Arc" of the Village School experience, spanning kindergarten to 8th grade. The mural will feature rites of passage from each of the grades such as the Rose Ceremony in 1st grade, raising salmon in 4th grade, Greek Games in 5th grade, and Shakespeare in 8th grade,
Health Reminders
With Pertussis, flu, and other illnesses circulating in our school and larger community, it's more important than ever to monitor your children for signs of illness, and keep them home when they are not feeling well. Please take a look at the symptom based exclusion chart below as well as the information from Lane County Public Health.

Prospective Parent & Incoming Middle School Parent Meetings
On Thursday, January 23rd from 5:30 - 6:30pm in the Village School Commons, we will be holding our prospective parent meeting. From 6:30 - 7:15pm in the 6th Grade Classroom, there will be a middle school presentation for current 5th grade families, as well as prospective middle school families. Please let any families who may be interested in the Village School know. If you are a 5th grade family, make sure to attend the incoming middle school presentation!
Heart of the Village
The Heart of the Village Festival and Fundraiser is happening this year on Saturday, February 22nd from 11am - 3pm. This festival is a hands-on showcase of music, arts, crafts, and food from Village School students and the community. There will be games, a bake sale, musical cakes, musical performances, a photo booth, crafts, and a silent auction. It's the biggest parent council fundraiser of the school year!
Heart of the Village is only possible because of our parent volunteers. We need all hands on deck to make this a success. Please take a look at the signup sheet and put your name down for a shift that works for you! We will also be looking for donations for the bake sale and Musical cakes. Keep an eye out for sign up sheets on your classroom bulletin boards. Please also help to support the Silent Auction by reaching out to friends, family, and local businesses for donations. Please use the silent auction tracker sheet to see what has been requested and confirmed already. Thank you!!

Grandfriends Day
Grandfriends Day is happening this year on Friday, February 21st from 8:30 to 12:30. Please let the Grandfriends (grandparents or nearby grand friends) in your life know that they can RSVP here or on the Village School Website. We look forward to having them join us!

Parent Council
Please join us on Monday, February 10th at 6pm for our next Parent Council Meeting! This will take place on Zoom, so you can join us from the comfort of your home. Here is the Zoom Link. We look forward to seeing you there!
Every Village School parent and guardian is a part of Parent Council - Parent Council Meetings are open to all parents and guardians on the 3rd Monday of each month.
You can also engage with Village School families on the Parent Council Facebook page, The Village Vine!
Please reach out to chrissy@eugenevillageschool.org with any questions about volunteering! We ask families to contribute 40 hours of volunteer hours per year, and single parent households to contribute 20 hours. There are a couple of events coming up including the Heart of the Village Festival, as well as classroom and kitchen opportunities that can help to meet these hours.
Toña is in need of a couple of kitchen volunteers. Please email her if interested at taguilar@eugenevillageschool.org
I am looking for one more volunteer to help serve morning coffee and tea to Grandfriends for an hour on Friday, 2/21(Grandfriends Day).
Heart of the Village will be held on Saturday, February 22nd. This is the biggest fundraiser of the year for Parent Council. Please sign up for a volunteering shift here.
Village School 25th Anniversary
Save the date!

Village School Lunch Diaries
Yumm bowls

Mac and Cheese

Job Openings at the Village School
Handwork Assistant Position
Community Bulletin Board

Eugene International High School (Eugene IHS) is a choice school for students in grades 9-12 offering a 4-year interdisciplinary humanities curriculum focused on international studies. Students are dual enrolled in both Eugene IHS and their host school.
ANY student can enroll. They must go through the online 4J School Choice Lottery, regardless of attendance area: 4j.lane.edu/schoolchoice. The in-district deadline is January 31, 2025.
IMPORTANT DATES for the 2025-2026 School Year: January 1……Online application period for 4J School Choice Lottery opens for in-district students January 31…..Deadline to submit in-district 4J School Choice Lottery Applications March 1………Online application period for 4J School Choice Lottery opens for out-of-district students March 31……..Deadline to submit out-of-district 4J School Choice Lottery Applications Spanish and French Immersion students from Monroe and Roosevelt will be enrolled in Eugene IHS without the lottery process because they entered immersion through the lottery in elementary or middle school. However, immersion students do need to submit the Eugene IHS Enrollment Form to the Eugene IHS office at South or Sheldon by the January 31st deadline. This form will be included in a special mailing to immersion families. We hope you will consider becoming a part of our Eugene IHS community!
For more information contact one of the Eugene IHS offices below, or visit the Eugene IHS website at ihs.4j.lane.edu
Eugene IHS @ Churchill: 541-790-5225Eugene IHS @ Sheldon: 541-790-6636Eugene IHS @ South Eugene: 541-790-8030
Los límites del distrito 4J
El 31 de Marzo...Fecha límite para aceptar solicitudes para la elección de escuelas para los alumnos que NO residen dentro de los límites del distrito 4J (residentes fuera del distrito)
Los alumnos de espanõl y francés en los programas de inmersión se inscriben en Eugene IHS sin el proceso de la lotería, porque ya se matricularon en el programa de inmersión a través de la lotería en la escuela primaria o la escuela intermedia. Sin embargo, los alumnos de los programas de inmersión necesitan completar el formulario de solicitud de Eugene IHS y enviarlo a la oficina de Eugene IHS en South Eugene o Sheldon antes de la fecha límite (el 31 de enero). Las familias de los alumnos de los programas de inmersión van a recibir el formulario de solicitud por correo postal.
Para los alumnos: si tienen interés en el mundo y desean aprender sobre otros países y culturas, esperamos que consideren convertirse en parte de nuestra familia de Eugene IHS.
Courtney Dearinger (she/her)
Head Teacher--Eugene International High School
10th grade Literature and the Arts
12th grade IB 20th Century Literature
Dance into the new year by joining us for enrichment, connection, and growth. Parenting is a practice. Let’s explore together!
Register on-line.
TELL YOUR OUT OF TOWN FRIENDS: On-line 4 series parenting class now offered.
Blessings on your journey,
