Non-Discrimination Statement
The Village School strongly supports diversity and the honoring of all people, beliefs, and cultures both locally and globally. A core element of the Village School curriculum is to educate our students in the wide array of cultures and belief systems, both past and present, and to treat everyone’s beliefs and culture with respect. As such, the Village School upholds a strong non-discrimination policy. The Village School does not discriminate against employees or students based on mental or physical disability, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, religion, marital status, familial status, economic class, physical characteristics, or linguistic characteristics of a national origin group.
From our Diversity Equity and Inclusion Mission Statement
We believe in joining with our community to prepare our children, families, and staff to deeply engage with each other and understand today’s world. Our commitment to diversity, equity and inclusiveness is integrated into our community’s core values, and we hold ourselves accountable to operating in alignment with those values. We envision a culturally sustaining school which is “responsive to the dynamic nature of society and young people” where systems, curriculum, and practices are co-constructed through authentic engagement with our richly diverse community.