Upcoming Events
Tuesday, December 13th, 5:30pm Parent Council Meeting Zoom
Thursday, December 8th, 6:30pm Winter Concert at Churchill High School
Friday December 16th - Tuesday January 3rd, Winter Break
Administrator's Message
Greetings Village School Community!
We’re swooping down the luge toward winter break! Icy winds and gray clouds are inviting us all to get our boots on and head into some trees for a wintery adventure! Or maybe brew a pot of tea, curl up in a cozy blanket, and read a good book.
Speaking of books…a round of applause for the amazing title team and fantastic volunteers who organized the literacy events last week! The Scholastic Book Fair and the book exchange were so fun! The Scholastic Book Fair proceeds will go to purchasing books and equipment for the school and as well, toward supporting our FANTASTIC Title I program. The book exchange was so well organized and every child at the school had an opportunity to choose books to take home! I’m grateful that our staff is willing to take on extra work to make events like these happen. It was unfortunate that the Reading Event was canceled due to inclement weather, but, on the upside, we all got to play in the snow after school. We look forward to trying again another time for the book circle and activities and we will be rescheduling the guest speaker soon.
We are also super excited for the upcoming Winter Concert. Students have been working hard on their performance pieces! Read on in this Village Voice for more information on the concert.
Stay warm and stay cool!
Roz, Shannon, and Andy
After School Enrichment Programming
We are working on getting a schedule of after school classes ready to announce in the coming week for the tens weeks spanning January 9th to Spring Break. Please be on the lookout for this announcement.
Rules for a Safe Morning Drop Off
Please do not park in the lower North lot when dropping students off in the morning. This lot is for faculty only.
Parking is available on 35th Ave, Glen Oak Dr, Knob Hill Ln, and Donald St.
*We require students in grades K-3 to be walked to their classroom door by a parent or guardian.
If you’d like to drop off your 4th-8th grade student please follow these guidelines:
1. Approach the school from Donald Street. This reduces two way traffic on 35th Ave.
2. Use Drop-Off zone for Drop off only. (At the curb near the stairs leading to the school)
3. Always park in the correct direction and on the correct side of the street.
4. Do not park on the wrong side of the street. Do not stop cars in the middle of the street.
5. Have children exit on Curb side of car, not the street side
6. Please say your “goodbyes” before you stop and avoid lingering

Winter Concert (Click here for a musical invitation!)
Join us for a festive evening of singing, guitar, and marimba performances by 1st - 8th grade students. The Winter Concert is a culmination of the students’ musical experience in their classrooms and music classes. Gather with us to celebrate their growing abilities!
Thursday, December 8th at 6:30pm
Churchill High School
1850 Bailey Hill Rd, Eugene
Please bring your child to the Churchill High School auditorium at 6:15 sharp, dressed and ready to perform.
Inside the auditorium, the students will be seated by grade. Teachers and volunteer chaperones will sit with each class. If your child is unable to follow their teachers directions, and sit quietly and respectfully throughout the performance, they will be escorted to sit with their family for the remainder of the concert.
There will also be an opportunity to purchase tickets and participate in the Handwork Raffle!
We look forward to seeing you there!
Thanks to Josey Trumbly-Taylor, Lani Licon, Ella Difani, and Ms. Sellers for their musical invitation to the Winter Concert!
School Directory
The Village School Directory is ready and available! Please stop by the office if you would like a copy.

Winter Weather
As we get into the colder weather, here is some information on how Village School will let families know about closures or delays.
When hazardous weather is a concern, decisions regarding schedule changes are made in the early morning, before school, when current weather conditions can be assessed. Village School follows the district (4J) when making decisions, although there may be instances where we will declare a closure, even if 4J does not.
How To Find Out: If there is a change in the school schedule, it will be announced through our school phone message system, normally before 6:30 a.m.
Delayed Starts and Early Dismissal: The district generally will avoid delayed starts and early dismissal due to weather. However, it is possible that unpredictable or sudden weather conditions will require such a decision to be made. Delayed start times will not alter school dismissal times.
Parent Choice: On any day when inclement weather is a concern and school is in session, families are encouraged to consider road conditions in their areas and make their own decisions based on safety. Please call your school if your child will be absent. Parents’ individual decisions about school attendance for this reason will be honored.
If you are concerned about the weather and have not received a phone call by 6:30 a.m., check the 4J website, radio or TV for information about closures, delays or snow routes.

Handwork Raffle

Please support our handwork program by buying tickets for the raffle of items made by the handwork teachers. All proceeds go to buy extra tools and materials not covered by our budget. Items will be on display in the office and winners will be announced at the winter concert.
They cost $1 a piece or 6 for $5
Tickets will be available for purchase one hour before the concert. You can also buy tickets in advance in the handwork classroom (room 108) on Tuesdays and Wednesdays between 2:45-3:00. Cash and checks preferred.
Thank you
8th Grade Play
The 8th graders will be performing "A Midsummer Night's Dream" on
Tuesday, December 13th at 7:00pm &
Wednesday, December 14th at 9:00am

Book Exchange
Thank you Village School families for donating books to our Book Exchange! Thank you Maestra Sarah for creating and planning this fabulous event. A huge thank you also to our wonderful parent volunteers who helped to sort through and beautifully display the books. The students had a blast perusing and deciding what to take home!
Scholastic Book Fair

Thank you to our amazing Title I teachers for putting together our first book fair in almost a decade! It was an exciting time for students, and as always, we could not have done it without our enthusiastic parent volunteers! Although it was disappointing to have to cancel the Reading event due to a wild and unexpected snow, we are looking forward to when we get to reschedule and hold this event.
Library News
Check out the Book lists for the Battle of the Books!
Book List Grades 3-5
Book List Grades 6-8

Sewing Field Trip
This past week, some of our 6th - 8th graders got to go with Maestra Sarah on a sewing field trip to Piece by Piece Fabric. They came back with some fantastic fabric finds!
The Village Kitchen

As we work toward reuniting our Village School community, more opportunities to volunteer are coming up! Be sure to watch your email, the Village Voice and the Village Vine for messages from Parent Council, your class coordinator, your child's teacher and the Village School Kitchen, to see the volunteer needs that are coming up for you to enjoy. Some upcoming events that need volunteer help are:
Winter Concert - 12/8
If you haven't filled out your volunteer paperwork yet, please stop by the office to pick up a packet.
Another way to contribute to our school community is by attending Parent Council Meetings! Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, December 13th at 5:30 PM. We are still holding these meetings by Zoom so they are easy to attend (even while making dinner or folding laundry) and every parent and guardian's voice is valued in decisions about what Parent Council funds are used for, events that are held and collaborations with departments and teachers at the Village School!
We adore our volunteers! Village School would not be what it is without you. Thank you so much for making Village School the incredible community it is!
Don't forget to sign in to HelpCounter and report your hours so we can see the amazing contributions from our Village School Families
Parent Council
The next Parent Council Meeting will be on Tuesday, December 13th at 5:30pm!
Please join us and send questions and ideas to parentcouncil@eugenevillageschool.org.
The notes from past meetings can be found here.
Every Village School parent and guardian is a part of Parent Council - The Virtual Parent Council Meetings are open to all parents and guardians on the 2nd Wednesday of each month.
You can also engage with Village School families on the Parent Council Facebook page, The Village Vine!
Village School Lunch Diaries
Tofu Pad Thai is another fan favorite here at the Village School. It's especially delicious topped with sesame oil, hot sauce, black sesame seeds, and some fresh green onions. Pomegranates are always a treat to finish off the meal!

Sandwich day!

Chickpea Tandoori was the perfect, warming meal after a blustery, snow filled day on Thursday.

Help Wanted
Substitute Teacher & Substitute Educational Assistant
Duties: Serve as substitute teacher or substitute classroom assistant.
Qualifications: Experience working with groups of children. Knowledge of Waldorf curriculum a plus.
Teachers require Valid Oregon Teaching License:
[Main lesson (K-8), Movement/PE, Spanish, Music, Handwork]
Instructional Assistant (BA and fingerprint background check required) Willingness to get CPR training Background check required Complete Covid vaccination records Salary Range: $24 per hour for Teachers, $15 - $18 per hour for Assistants
Strong verbal and written communication skills
Benefits include our healthy lunch service, PERS coverage.
Free Covid Testing
You can still sign up for Free Opt-in Testing through U of O and OHA!
The Village School has joined other schools in a program that makes weekly testing available to our students! U of O has partnered with Oregon Health Authority to provide free, voluntary COVID-19 testing kits to children attending participating K-12 schools.
Use the link below to opt-in:

LTD Passes Available!

The Village School has worked with 4j and LTD to make touch passes available to Village School students!
Fill out the form below to sign up and provide permission for your Village School student to have a card. Then come into the office to have a card assigned to your child!
If you have a child that does not attend Village School, please contact their school to see if they have touchpasses available for students. We are only able to provide passes to Village School Students.