Upcoming Events
Thursday, October 17th, 5th Grade Field Trip to Hendricks Park
Friday, October 18th, 1st & 8th Grade Field Trip to A&M Farms
Monday, October 21st, 2:05pm, Lockdown Drill
Monday, October 21st, 6pm, Parent Council Meeting, Zoom Link
Tuesday, October 22nd, S.T.E.A.M. Day for 1st - 5th Grade
Tuesday, October 22nd, 6-7:30 PM Charter School Meeting w 4J Board members at 16 Tons:
Thursday, October 24th, Kindergarten Field Trip to A&M Farms
Friday, October 25th, Sports Bra Giveaway
Tuesday, October 29th, Halloween Hike
Wednesday, October 30th, NO SCHOOL (Teacher Grading Day)
Thursday, October 31st - Friday, November 1st, NO SCHOOL (Conferences)
Quick Links
In the interest of reducing the sheer length of the Village Voice, we have replaced several repeating items with links to shortcuts:
Administrator's Message
Greetings Village School Community!
We’ve reached the seventh week of school and it really feels like it's flying by. We’re deep into the season of brisk mornings, warm afternoons, hot tea before bed, and beautiful moon viewing on clear nights.
On that note, be sure to check out the full moon on the evening of the 17th. It’s a supermoon, because it is full while it’s closest to the earth in its orbit, making it appear larger than usual. It’s also called the hunter’s moon or the harvest moon, because it marks the time of year when hunting season begins and the harvest needs to be completed before winter fully descends.
Also, as the weather changes and we spend more time inside in close quarters, please be sure to re-familiarize yourself with our Oregon Department of Health guidelines on when to keep students home from school. Coughs and sore throats should be improving for 24 hours prior to returning to school and students should be fever free (without medicine) for 24 hours as well. Thanks for helping keep our community well!
Last, but not least, the Walk-a-Thon went great last week!! Thanks to everyone who participated, volunteered, organized, and donated to this awesome event that earns money for some really fantastic local groups and for our Village kitchen. You still have time to donate, if you didn’t already have a chance.
Hoping you’re feeling healthy, wealthy, wise, and reaping the benefits of this magical time of year,
Roz, Shannon, and Andy
4J Board Members want to hear from Charter School Families - Tuesday, October 22nd, 6-7:30PM at 16 Tons

Health Reminders
We have been noticing many coughs and sniffles and tummy bugs going around the school. Please make sure to keep your child home to rest if they have a new illness, or if they are not feeling up to school due to symptoms. Thank you!

The Walk-a-Thon was a lot of fun! Students were particularly happy to run around the SEHS track on such a clear, sunny day.
We are collecting pledges from our online venue VillageWalkathon.org and from the pledge packets. Please stop by the office if you need more materials. So far we have reached $12,400 on our online platform and are working on tabulating pledge packets. Please return your materials by Friday October 25th. Thank so much for your participation - and thanks to all of our volunteers who helped make this such a successful, enjoyable event!
Here's the prize for the class that raises the most money, a globe made of semi precious stones:

Thank you very much for your participation - and thanks to all of our volunteers who helped make this such a successful, enjoyable event!
Village Kitchen
Last week one of our Village School alumni joined us in the kitchen on her day off of school. We love it when former students ask to volunteer in the kitchen. Thanks for visiting Isadora!

Middle school students helped tend our kitchen herb bed recently by pulling some weeds. They also got a chance to sample some of the herbs we have growing right now - oregano, rosemary, thyme, tarragon, marjoram, bay, chives, lavender and shisho.

Thank you for your ongoing support of our unique school food service program! The two most helpful things you can do to ensure we are able to sustain our unique program are having your children eat school meals and volunteering in our beloved kitchen. We still have a few volunteer slots open every other week. Reach out if you want to join in on some VSK fun!
With gratitude,
Toña Aguilar
Día de los Muertos
See details below for this wonderful event, as well as ways to contribute!

Title 1 Reading/Math Services, 2024-2025
Every fall, winter and spring, our Title staff and classroom teachers administer reading and math assessments to each of our students. If a student in grades 1-5 scores below the 30th percentile, she/he may be recommended by our team to receive instructional interventions in reading and/or math with their progress monitored. At The Village School, all students receive up to 90 minutes of language arts and 60 minutes of math instruction each day. If your child will be receiving additional reading or math instruction, his or her classroom teacher or the Title I coordinator will notify you. Please see the links below for additional information.
S.T.E.A.M. Day for 1st - 5th Graders
On Tuesday, October 22, please join your child’s class for our Title One sponsored
S.T.E.A.M. Day!
S. (Science)
T. (Technology)
E. (Engineering)
A. (Art)
M. (Math)
The Eugene Science Center will be presenting 45 minutes of activities with each of the classes, grades 1-5. You are welcome to sit back and enjoy, and/or assist your child as needed. All activities will be held in the Spanish room.
9:00-9:45 4th Grade Bee Lab
10:15-11:00 3rd Grade Bee Lab
11:45-12:30 5th Grade Seasonal Shadows and Constellation Creation
12:45-1:30 1st Grade Sort the Solar System and Cyanotypes
1:45-2:30 2nd Grade Sort the Solar System and Cyanotypes
If you are planning to attend with your child’s class, please let your child’s teacher know. Thank you!
Volunteer Needs
Día de los Muertos is our next big all school celebration. This is an event that is free to attend, and filled with an array of crafts, face painting, and student and community performances. It is an absolute blast, and a labor of love from Maestras Toña, Sarah, main lesson teachers, & parent and student volunteers. Please see the sign up sheets for volunteering and potluck contributions below.
We ask families to contribute 40 hours of volunteer hours per year, and single parent households to contribute 20 hours. This event is a great way to build on your volunteer hours!
Our next Parent Council Meeting is also coming up on Monday, 10/21 at 6pm. This will be over Zoom, so please join us from the comfort of home!
*Please make sure to always sign in, grab a volunteer badge, and sign out at the office when you volunteer!
You're welcome to reach out to chrissy@eugenevillageschool.org with any questions about volunteering!
Job Openings at the Village School
Garden Coordinator
(2) Spanish Teaching Positions
8th Grade Fundraiser - Wreath Sales
The 8th graders are selling beautiful wreaths to support their graduation trip. Please consider supporting them, and getting a start on seasonal decorating!
Fundraiser for Cielo de Amor
The current 7th grade class held a bake sale when they were in 4th and 5th to raise money to buy 2 wheelchairs and we are hosting our annual fiesta. See below for details!

6th Grade Helpers
Thank you to 6th graders Maya and Shay helped us organize our Lost & Found wardrobe! Please take a moment to look through it at pick up or drop off time. It has officially reached the overflow stage with lost jackets and other items.

Village School Lunch Diaries
Soft tacos with quinoa and fresh fruit and veggies. How cool is it that the kids and staff get to choose from an array of homemade sauces?! Chimichurri is always a delight to spot on the condiment table.

Creamy, tangy mac and cheese amidst a rainbow plate.

Slow simmered marinara sauce with pasta and greens.

Quesadillas with fiesta rice, the VS Kitchen's made from scratch chimichurri and hot sauce, and kale and apple coleslaw.

Yumm Bowls covered in fresh goodies.
