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Village Voice - Volume 22, Issue 6

Writer's picture: Chrissy BarryChrissy Barry

Updated: Oct 11, 2022

Upcoming Events

Tuesday, October 11th, 5:30pm Parent Council Meeting (Zoom)

Monday, October 17th, Picture Day

Thursday, October 20th, Walkathon Village.Raisely.Com

Friday, November 4th, Dia De Los Muertos Celebration

Tuesday, November 8th, Walk & Roll


Administrator's Message

Greetings Village School Community!

We have a lot going on here at Village School! Last week, we had the fifth grade outdoor school overnight, a fourth grade field trip to Huerto de la Familia, a visitor from Chintimini Wildlife Center in the 6th grade, and a successful Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion meeting. Upcoming we have the Walk-a-Thon, Walk and Roll Day, Dia de los Muertos, the first and eighth grade trip to Johnson Farm, and the third grade trip to Mt Pisgah Arboretum.

A huge thank you to everyone who attended the racial justice presentation last Thursday! We had forty two RSVP’d attendees. It was a great kick off to the year and to three more upcoming events with facilitator Dion C. Jordan. We have just a few spots open for the last three nights with Dion C Jordan. If you’d like to come to later events and you missed this one, please contact admin for information on how you can get caught up.

It is so great to see all the students and families participating in our community events! The Walk-a-Thon community connections are particularly heartwarming just now. Students get an opportunity to meet and help people who are actively engaged in making the world a better place. That help comes both from community service and, as well, helping to raise money for their cause. The Walk-a-Thon is more fun with pledges! If you haven't already, check in with your student and set aside some time to help them get a few pledges! You can create a pledging website via Village.Raisely.Com. It makes all the difference.

Because of ongoing smoky air, we regretfully have to reschedule a couple of these upcoming events:

  • The Walkathon will now be held on Thursday, 10/20.

  • Walk & Roll will take place on Tuesday, 11/8.

Please encourage your student to participate, as it’s a great way to connect with others, get outside, and reduce your carbon footprint.

Friendly reminder time! Have you filled out the Free and Reduced Lunch Application yet? You can find it here or download, fill out and return the following form. (Click here). We need as many parents to apply as possible to secure Title I funding and it only takes a minute!

We hope you are having a great fall!

Andy, Roz, and Shannon


Community Service Walk-a-Thon - Moved to Oct 20th

This week we recorded several students reactions to visits to their sponsored groups. Students conveyed enthusiasm and appreciation for the work being done by Huerto de la Familia, Chintimini Wildlife Rescue, and Our Children's Trust. We broadcasted the recording on Friday Oct 7th, but click here if you missed it. The overall goal is to raise at least $12,000. Half of this will help The Village Kitchen and our garden. The other half will support the following eight organizations, which were chosen for co-sponsorship due to their commitment to community values and ecological awareness:

1st Grade: Nearby Nature 2nd Grade: Cascades Raptors Center 3rd Grade: Food for Lane County Gardens 4th Grade: Huerto de la Familia 5th Grade: Walama Restoration 6th Grade: Chintimini Wildlife Rescue 7th Grade: Whole Earth Nature School 8th Grade: Our Children’s Trust

Students have received pledge packets, but pledging can also be done with Online Pledge System: Village.Raisely.Com. You can set up your own site, create a family team, and refer people to it via email, Text, Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, etc. It's easy to circulate this to a circle of family members or friends. We hope that each family will participate in the walk-a-thon to the best of its ability. If each family raises $50, we will achieve our goal, but don’t stop at that. The more contributions you raise, the more successful we’ll be at achieving our goal of giving back to the community and helping our school. Thank you very much for your participation!

We are looking for some parent volunteers to help out with this fantastic event! Please reach out to the office to let us know if you're interested.


8th Grade Fundraiser

The 8th grade class is holding a PUMPKINS & TREATS SALE on Friday, October 14th after school (outside of the school and not on campus!) All proceeds will go to the 8th grade class trip. Thank you for your support!


Walk & Roll - Rescheduled to November 8th

Our rescheduled Walk & Roll to School Day will be happening on November 8th. We'll be joining children and adults worldwide in a celebration of walking and biking to school! There are so benefits to taking alternate modes of transportation, and we're lucky to live in a fantastic city for getting around by foot or by bike. The class with the highest participation will get to proudly display the Golden Bicycle, and will also get to make and enjoy some refreshing smoothies!

If you are interested in helping out with this morning event, please let the office know.

See below for a map of safe routes to school.


School Photo Day is Around the Corner!

Make sure to mark the day on your calendar, and order your photo packages on the Lifetouch website.


6th Grade News

Meet Ferdinand, the turkey vulture, one of Chintimini Wildlife Center’s raptor ambassadors!


DÍa de Los Muertos

Celebramos el Día de los Muertos

Our 2022 school Día de los Muertos celebrations will be held on Friday, November 4, from 5:30 to 7:30 in the Village School Commons.

Village School children have been learning about the history and the importance of this Latin American holiday. They are learning about the joy and remembrance that this special day brings. An understanding of the indigenous roots of the day along with the fusion of Spanish and Christian European traditions allows students to see how ancient the holiday truly is. Click here for more Día de los Muertos history Our celebration mirrors some of the myriad of wonderful traditions from México.

The Día de los Muertos Celebration at the Village School on November 4th includes:

  • The traditional school Ofrenda will be placed in the Commons. Students are welcome to place photos of loved ones on the Ofrenda. Please come help us put the beautiful ofrenda together on Wednesday, November 2 starting at 2:00PM. Let Chrissy know if you can help. We also need marigolds, fall foliage, and other flowers to decorate the ofrenda.

  • Students will be creating artwork to be displayed in the Commons during the time the ofrenda is up. Paintings, papel picado, and other Día de los Muertos works of art will be up for the evening event.

  • A community dinner will be available to families starting at 5:30-6:15. Please bring your own tableware. ­¡Sabrosísima!

  • The middle school students (grades 7 and 8) will run face painting and arts and crafts tables during the evening.

  • Mariachi del Sol from Springfield High School will perform at 6:00.

  • Students in grades one through four will be presenting for families starting at 6:45.

We hope that you and your family have a joyous day celebrating those who have passed, lending wonderful memories and much happiness.


Maestras Sarah y Toña


Title I Reading Celebration Event

Mark your calendars! On the evening of Dec. 1, Title I will be sponsoring a Reading Celebration Reading Event. There will be activities, prizes, a guest speaker, Scholastic Book Fair and food!

Watch the Village Voice for more details soon!


School Pool - Car Pooling

New App helps you form car pools - allows for opting out

The Village School is using a free carpooling web-based tool called SchoolPool that will help set up carpools that can ease traffic congestion, provide options for kids who are not able to walk, bike or roll to school, and help families with the logistics of sharing pick-up and drop-off trips. SchoolPool is part of Oregon Department of Transportation’s (ODOT) larger Get There program that helps Oregonians find alternatives to driving alone - including finding a carpool match. SchoolPool is only accessible to families that are verified through their school and there is an opt-out option for families. The program ensures that carpool matches are secure and are not a part of a public carpool matching system. To increase the match pool all Village School families will be added to our private network but you may opt-out by simply filling out this form to indicate that you do not want to be in the program.

Being in the pool doesn’t mean that you will offer rides or that you need a ride, it’s simply a way for families who live near each other (or along a route) to connect and see if ridesharing might work for them or not. After the opt-out period we will send everyone an email with their household claim link to see what matches might be in their area. These matches could also be used for a biking or walking group and don’t have to just be carpools! That email will also include an opt-out option. For questions about SchoolPool contact Shane Rhodes (VS parent and Transportation Options Manager for the City of Eugene) at or 541-682-5094. To be removed from the SchoolPool program fill out this form. We hope this resource is useful as a tool for helping you plan safe and healthy transportation options for you and your family.



As we work toward reuniting our Village School community, more opportunities to volunteer are coming up! Be sure to watch your email, the Village Voice and the Village Vine for messages from Parent Council, your class coordinator, your child's teacher and the Village School Kitchen, to see the volunteer needs that are coming up for you to enjoy. Some upcoming events that need volunteer help are:

  • Walk & Roll

  • Walk-a-thon

  • Picture Day

  • Dia de Los Muertos

If you haven't filled out your volunteer paperwork yet, please stop by the office to pick up a packet.

Another way to contribute to our school community is by attending Parent Council Meetings! Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, October 11th at 5:30 PM. We are still holding these meetings by Zoom so they are easy to attend (even while making dinner or folding laundry) and every parent and guardian's voice is valued in decisions about what Parent Council funds are used for, events that are held and collaborations with departments and teachers at the Village School!

We adore our volunteers! Village School would not be what it is without you!

Don't forget to sign in to HelpCounter and report your hours so we can see the amazing contributions from our Village School Families


Rules for a Safe Morning Drop Off

Please do not park in the lower lot when dropping students off in the morning. Parking is available on 35th Ave, Glen Oak Dr, Knob Hill Ln, and Donald St.

*We require students in grades K-3 to be walked to their classroom door by a parent or guardian.

If you’d like to drop off your 4th-8th grade student please follow these guidelines:

1. Approach the school from Donald Street. This reduces two way traffic on 35th Ave.

2. Use Drop-Off zone for Drop off only. (At the curb near the stairs leading to the school)

3. Always park in the correct direction and on the correct side of the street.

4. Do not park on the wrong side of the street. Do not stop cars in the middle of the street.

5. Have children exit on Curb side of car, not the street side

6. Please say your “goodbyes” before you stop and avoid lingering

Thank you for helping to keep our students safe!


The Village Kitchen

First grade students joined Mr. Brett in the school garden to harvest parsley for us to use in the school kitchen. Thank you Friends!

Creating the lunch menu board is a favorite task for our student helpers.

Thank you 8th graders, Devin and Fisher, for your fun art work!

Toña Aguilar

October Breakfast and Lunch Menus are now available to view!


Free and Reduced Lunch

Please Check and See If You Qualify!

The new free and reduced lunch income requirements have been significantly expanded so please apply, even if you think you may not qualify!

If you have not yet done so, take a moment to complete the Free and Reduced Lunch Application. Our school’s Title I funding is based on the number of qualified households we have, so it is crucial that everyone see if they qualify. If you do not qualify for free meals, payments can be made in the office or at

If you qualify via direct certification (ie, food stamps), you should have received a letter confirming eligibility for free meals. Please let us know if you have not received this letter.

Contact Tristin in the office for details at


Lost & Found

Please take a look outside the office, as we have quite a few jackets and other clothes in the Lost & Found. Thank you!


Parent Council

The Parent Council Online store is live! Help support your parent council by purchasing Village School shirts and sweatshirts! All proceeds help fund projects and events that support our school community.

We are working with a new local business, Webfoot printing.

Order ends- 10/31/22

Delivery- hopefully before 12/1/22

Thanks for supporting parent council!

-Shannon Boyd

The next Parent Council Meeting will be on Tuesday, October 11th at 5:30pm!

Please join us and send questions and ideas to

The notes from past meetings can be found here.

Every Village School parent and guardian is a part of Parent Council - The Virtual Parent Council Meetings are open to all parents and guardians on the 2nd Wednesday of each month.

You can also engage with Village School families on the Parent Council Facebook page, The Village Vine!


Help Wanted

Substitute Teacher & Substitute Educational Assistant

Duties: Serve as substitute teacher or substitute classroom assistant.

Qualifications: Experience working with groups of children. Knowledge of Waldorf curriculum a plus.

Teachers require Valid Oregon Teaching License:

[Main lesson (K-8), Movement/PE, Spanish, Music, Handwork]

Instructional Assistant (BA and fingerprint background check required) Willingness to get CPR training Background check required Complete Covid vaccination records Salary Range: $24 per hour for Teachers, $15 - $18 per hour for Assistants

Strong verbal and written communication skills

Benefits include our healthy lunch service, PERS coverage.

Contracted Nurse for Diabetes Care

The Village School is hoping to contract with a nurse agency for lunchtime diabetes support. Please call (541) 345-7285 for more information.


Free Covid Testing

You can still sign up for Free Opt-in Testing through U of O and OHA!

The Village School has joined other schools in a program that makes weekly testing available to our students! U of O has partnered with Oregon Health Authority to provide free, voluntary COVID-19 testing kits to children attending participating K-12 schools.

Use the link below to opt-in:



LTD Passes Available!

The Village School has worked with 4j and LTD to make touchpasses available to Village School students!

Fill out the form below to sign up and provide permission for your Village School student to have a card. Then come into the office to have a card assigned to your child!

If you have a child that does not attend Village School, please contact their school to see if they have touchpasses available for students. We are only able to provide passes to Village School Students.

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