Upcoming Events
Scholastic Book Fair 11/29, 11/30, 12/1, 12/2
Thursday, December 1st, Reading Celebration Event and Book Exchange
Sunday, December 4th, 8:30AM - 3PM, Board Retreat
Tuesday, December 13th, 5:30pm Parent Council Meeting Zoom
Thursday, December 8th, Winter Concert
Administrator's Message
Greetings Village School Community!
Winter weather is upon us! The winds and rain (and maybe snow!) are gracing our lovely biome with life sustaining energy…
As the rainfall increases and streets get slippery, it’s very important for us all to practice extra safety measures in high traffic zones. Please read and follow the rules for safe drop off of 4th-8th grade students, posted in this edition of the Village Voice. Also, you might want to give yourself an extra ten minutes as a cushion, so you don’t feel hurried during these transition times! Also, be sure to read about our inclement weather policies, in case there is a need to cancel school.
We have some cool events coming up! Be sure to read on for more information about the book exchange, the Scholastic Book Fair, and the Title I reading event on December 1st at 5:30! Also, we are prepping for the upcoming Winter Concert AND, just after the return from the break is the second social justice event with Dion C. Jordan. Mark you calendar for January 5th at 3:15 pm! If you missed the first event and you’re interested in attending, email principal@eugenevillageschool.org for next steps. We would like folks to commit to all four events, but we do have some catch up material, if you are interested.
Thanks for being such a fantastic community!! We appreciate you each and every day.
Roz, Shannon, and Andy
Wreath Sales
We have good news! If you have not picked up or even purchased your holiday wreath from the 8th graders, you still have a chance!
Stop by our table in front of the office any day after school this week from 2:30 - 3:15pm (Nov. 28-Dec 2)
You can purchase your wreath here and can even share this link with your friends and families!
Are you headed to a holiday party? A wreath is a great host gift.
Do you need a quick gift for a friend? A wreath!
Would you like to thank your neighbor? They would love a wreath!
Rules for a Safe Morning Drop Off
Please do not park in the lower North lot when dropping students off in the morning. This lot is for faculty only.
Parking is available on 35th Ave, Glen Oak Dr, Knob Hill Ln, and Donald St.
*We require students in grades K-3 to be walked to their classroom door by a parent or guardian.
If you’d like to drop off your 4th-8th grade student please follow these guidelines:
1. Approach the school from Donald Street. This reduces two way traffic on 35th Ave.
2. Use Drop-Off zone for Drop off only. (At the curb near the stairs leading to the school)
3. Always park in the correct direction and on the correct side of the street.
4. Do not park on the wrong side of the street. Do not stop cars in the middle of the street.
5. Have children exit on Curb side of car, not the street side
6. Please say your “goodbyes” before you stop and avoid lingering
Since posting the tally last week, the donations have kept pouring in. We're approaching nearly $17,000 - Wow! This is so much more than our goal of $12,000. Congratulations and thanks to all of you. If you have pledges to turn in, please do so as soon as you can. Funds can be turned into the office or via village.raisely.com.
Title I Reading Celebration and Book Fair
Come One! Come All to our Title 1 Reading Celebration!
We have a couple of exciting events coming up! First, the Title 1 Program is sponsoring a Reading Celebration in the commons from 5:30-7:00 on Thursday, December 1st. We will start the evening by all gathering in the commons for a welcome and a very entertaining guest speaker. After that we will have various activities to celebrate reading that you can travel through at your own pace. Pizza slices will also be served at this time. Please allow families with grades K-2 students to be served first to avoid crowding. There will be enough for everyone, at least one slice, and maybe more!
Here’s how it works:
Enter through the front door of the commons from 5:15-5:30.
Sign the sign-in sheet and make sure each child, grades K-5, receives a “passport”. If the children visit and engage with all the activities (5 in all), they will receive stamps on their passports which they can redeem for prizes back in the commons).
Find a seat in the commons where there will be a welcome and guest speaker.
After that, proceed to pizza eating and visiting the activities.
The activities will include:
Bookmark making (in the Commons)
Book exchange (in the lounge next to the Library)
Cuddle Up and Read (in the library) Bring a book from the book fair or book exchange and cuddle up to read in a quiet, cozy place.
Musical Book Circle (in the gym) Move around the circle to music, stop on the lucky number and you win a brand new book!
Scholastic Book Fair (in the gym) You can do holiday shopping at the book fair, and at the same time benefit our school. There will be a huge variety of books and other items. (See below)
No later than 6:50 p.m., redeem stamped passports for prizes back in the Commons.
The event will conclude at 7:00 p.m.
We can’t stress enough how important it will be for the families to stay together and enjoy the activities together. We ask that children not be allowed to leave their families and run around the inside or outside of the building. Remember, it’s about the joy of reading!
Our second exciting event will be the Scholastic Book Fair. The fair will be taking place at the Celebration, as well as after school in the gym (Nov. 28, 3:00-4:00; Nov. 29, 2:00-3:00; Nov. 30, 3:00-4:00; Dec. 1, see you at the evening celebration!; and Dec. 2, 2:00-3:00). Children will get a chance to browse the fair at school, but purchasing must be done after school on the above times and dates. We will have baskets for each grade level if you would like to purchase books and donate them to your child’s classroom.
We hope to see you all at these two fun-filled events!
Book Exchange
School Directory
The Village School Directory is ready and available! Please stop by the office if you would like a copy.
Winter Weather
As we get into the colder weather, here is some information on how Village School will let families know about closures or delays.
When hazardous weather is a concern, decisions regarding schedule changes are made in the early morning, before school, when current weather conditions can be assessed. Village School follows the district (4J) when making decisions, although there may be instances where we will declare a closure, even if 4J does not.
How To Find Out: If there is a change in the school schedule, it will be announced through our school phone message system, normally before 6:30 a.m.
Delayed Starts and Early Dismissal: The district generally will avoid delayed starts and early dismissal due to weather. However, it is possible that unpredictable or sudden weather conditions will require such a decision to be made. Delayed start times will not alter school dismissal times.
Parent Choice: On any day when inclement weather is a concern and school is in session, families are encouraged to consider road conditions in their areas and make their own decisions based on safety. Please call your school if your child will be absent. Parents’ individual decisions about school attendance for this reason will be honored.
If you are concerned about the weather and have not received a phone call by 6:30 a.m., check the 4J website, radio or TV for information about closures, delays or snow routes.
Handwork Raffle
Please support our handwork program by buying tickets for the raffle of items made by the handwork teachers. All proceeds go to buy extra tools and materials not covered by our budget. Items will be on display in the office and winners will be announced at the winter concert.
They cost $1 a piece or 6 for $5
Tickets will be available for purchase one hour before the concert. You can also buy tickets in advance in the handwork classroom (room 108) on Tuesdays and Wednesdays between 2:45-3:00. Cash and checks preferred.
Thank you
Library News
Check out the Book lists for the Battle of the Books!
Book List Grades 3-5
Book List Grades 6-8
1st & 2nd Grade Lantern Walk
The 1st & 2nd graders went on their lantern walk this past week. Here are their beautiful lanterns, twinkling and ready to light their paths.
The Village Kitchen
Greetings from the Village School Kitchen! We hope you all enjoyed some rest and good food over the long holiday weekend. We were glad to see so many friendly faces back at school today.
8th grade student Bellah cuts a giant cabbage from Camas Swale Farm in preparation for tomorrow's Pad Thai.
Right before Thanksgiving Break we heard the good news that we have been awarded a grant through the Oregon Farm to Child Nutrition Programs. This will allow us to increase our purchasing of Oregon grown and processed foods as well as to provide educational opportunities to students to increase their awareness of the agricultural offerings in our area. We do quite a bit of this work already and are excited to be able to expand our offerings. Look for updates in future Village Voice newsletters.
This is the time of year when we have more volunteers out due to sick children or tropical vacations. If you are able to be one of our Beloved Back up Boosters, let me know. I will text you when we are missing a regular volunteer to see if you can swoop in and save the day! Big thanks to Tanara Graywolf, Jen Spry and Monica Trumbly for stepping in to help in this way recently.
Toña Aguilar
As we work toward reuniting our Village School community, more opportunities to volunteer are coming up! Be sure to watch your email, the Village Voice and the Village Vine for messages from Parent Council, your class coordinator, your child's teacher and the Village School Kitchen, to see the volunteer needs that are coming up for you to enjoy. Some upcoming events that need volunteer help are:
Winter Concert - 12/8
If you haven't filled out your volunteer paperwork yet, please stop by the office to pick up a packet.
Another way to contribute to our school community is by attending Parent Council Meetings! Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, December 13th at 5:30 PM. We are still holding these meetings by Zoom so they are easy to attend (even while making dinner or folding laundry) and every parent and guardian's voice is valued in decisions about what Parent Council funds are used for, events that are held and collaborations with departments and teachers at the Village School!
We adore our volunteers! Village School would not be what it is without you. Thank you so much for making Village School the incredible community it is!
Don't forget to sign in to HelpCounter and report your hours so we can see the amazing contributions from our Village School Families
Free and Reduced Lunch & Meal Payments
Please Check and See If You Qualify!
The new free and reduced lunch income requirements have been significantly expanded so please apply, even if you think you may not qualify!
If you have not yet done so, take a moment to complete the Free and Reduced Lunch Application. Our school’s Title I funding is based on the number of qualified households we have, so it is crucial that everyone see if they qualify. If you do not qualify for free meals, payments can be made in the office or at schoolpaymentportal.com.
If you qualify via direct certification (ie, food stamps), you should have received a letter confirming eligibility for free meals. Please let us know if you have not received this letter.
Contact Tristin in the office for details at office@eugenvillageschool.org
Parent Council
The next Parent Council Meeting will be on Tuesday, December 13th at 5:30pm!
Please join us and send questions and ideas to parentcouncil@eugenevillageschool.org.
The notes from past meetings can be found here.
Every Village School parent and guardian is a part of Parent Council - The Virtual Parent Council Meetings are open to all parents and guardians on the 2nd Wednesday of each month.
You can also engage with Village School families on the Parent Council Facebook page, The Village Vine!
Village School Lunch Diaries
Comforting mac and cheese with delicata squash rings, chickpeas, salad, kale coleslaw with pomegranates, and juicy watermelon to finish it all off.
Help Wanted
Substitute Teacher & Substitute Educational Assistant
Duties: Serve as substitute teacher or substitute classroom assistant.
Qualifications: Experience working with groups of children. Knowledge of Waldorf curriculum a plus.
Teachers require Valid Oregon Teaching License:
[Main lesson (K-8), Movement/PE, Spanish, Music, Handwork]
Instructional Assistant (BA and fingerprint background check required) Willingness to get CPR training Background check required Complete Covid vaccination records Salary Range: $24 per hour for Teachers, $15 - $18 per hour for Assistants
Strong verbal and written communication skills
Benefits include our healthy lunch service, PERS coverage.
Free Covid Testing
You can still sign up for Free Opt-in Testing through U of O and OHA!
The Village School has joined other schools in a program that makes weekly testing available to our students! U of O has partnered with Oregon Health Authority to provide free, voluntary COVID-19 testing kits to children attending participating K-12 schools.
Use the link below to opt-in:
LTD Passes Available!
The Village School has worked with 4j and LTD to make touchpasses available to Village School students!
Fill out the form below to sign up and provide permission for your Village School student to have a card. Then come into the office to have a card assigned to your child!
If you have a child that does not attend Village School, please contact their school to see if they have touchpasses available for students. We are only able to provide passes to Village School Students.