Upcoming Events
Wednesday, April 5th, 5:30pm - 6:30pm, 4th Grade Meeting
Tuesday, April 11th, 5:30pm, Parent Council Meeting (Zoom)
Wednesday, April 12th, 5:30pm - 6:45pm, 5th Grade Parent Meeting
Thursday, April 20th, Volunteer Appreciation Day
Tuesday, May 2nd, May Day Celebration
Wednesday, May 3rd, Walk & Roll
Welcome Back from Spring Break!

Administrator's Message
Greetings Village School Community!
Welcome back! We hope you enjoyed your break and that you’ve survived the transition back to school without too much difficulty. We are very excited to be back in action, ready to see what the last third of the school year has in store. It’s been lovely to be back amongst all the staff, students, and parents today, feeling at home as we settle back into our regular rhythms. Most students seem genuinely excited to be back and knitting, singing, reciting poetry, drawing, and learning new academic skills, along with all the social interactions that make up every day at the Village School.
On that note, coming up this Wednesday, we will continue on our mission to ensure that everyone knows the behavior expectations in our shared spaces with an all-school rules brush up. It’s interesting to see how students are responding to increased attention in this area. Some students really like the added structure and consistency, others really like finding and exploring the edges of the expectations. Either way, we are happy to say that shared spaces generally feel calmer and more easily navigated during school and even during after school events.
The weather has been particularly unpredictable these past couple weeks: sunny and warm to chilling downpour to sleet and freezing rain, all in one day! Please take a moment to check in with your student and make sure they have all the correct gear they might need to make their day more comfortable.
Thank you for your continued support and community spirit as we lift each other up with kindness and joy!
Roz, Shannon, and Andy
April Birthdays

Rules for a Safe Morning Drop Off
Please do not park in the lower North lot when dropping students off in the morning. This lot is for faculty only.
Parking is available on 35th Ave, Glen Oak Dr, Knob Hill Ln, and Donald St.
*We require students in grades K-3 to be walked to their classroom door by a parent or guardian.
If you’d like to drop off your 4th-8th grade student please follow these guidelines:
1. Approach the school from Donald Street. This reduces two way traffic on 35th Ave.
2. Use Drop-Off zone for Drop off only. (At the curb near the stairs leading to the school)
3. Always park in the correct direction and on the correct side of the street. Please make sure to leave room for others cars to park, as we have limited parking spaces.
4. Do not park on the wrong side of the street. Do not stop cars in the middle of the street.
5. Have children exit on Curb side of car, not the street side
6. Please say your “goodbyes” before you stop and avoid lingering

After School Enrichment Programs
The Village School
After School Enrichment Program
Spring Session 2023 (April 10 - June 9)
Dear Village School Families,
We are pleased to announce that the Village School will be offering a third, 8 week session of complimentary after-school enrichment classes beginning the week of April 10 - June 9 for grades 3 - 8. Class size is limited so please fill out the registration form as soon as possible to ensure a position. Registration forms are due no later than April 6. Please click the following link and fill out one form for each Village School child in your family that is interested in attending the After School Enrichment Program.
Please contact Rachel Burk-Bayer bayer@eugenevillageschool.org if you are unable to access the form on-line.
Enrichment classes offered: (Note that some class times have changed.)
Yoga & Games / Mercedes Cervantes - Grades 5 - 8, Thursdays, 3:15 - 4:30 (Library) Breathing, movement, and awareness mixed with modern games that inspire creativity and mindfulness exercises. Mats are provided, if children already have mats they are encouraged to bring them. Things to bring: Change of clothes to promote mobility (stretch pants, sweatshirt and sweatpants, comfortable clothes etc), water bottle. **Please give your student a small snack that is light but beneficial for them to eat before we start!
Ceramics / Donica Beath-Bigongiari - Grades 3- 8, Tuesdays 3 & 4, Thursdays 5 & 6, Wednesdays 7 & 8, select one day only. 3:05 - 4:30 (Spanish Room) In the Ceramics class, students will explore hand building techniques such as pinch, coil, and slab; as well as using wooden, plaster, or paper moulds, and Sgraffito. Students will have the opportunity to make pots, cups, tiles, shakers, monsters, and sculpture.
Bookbinding - Printmaking / Frederique Chateau* - Grades 5 - 8, Wednesdays, 3:15- 4:45 (6th grade class) Get ready to make fabulous one-of-a-kind prints and showcase them into your own handmade books! This creative class will introduce students to several forms of printmaking, including carving and reduction techniques for block printing, stamping using found objects and recyclables, and cyanotype printing. Using traditional bookbinding techniques, the students will then design and stitch their own journal and make an accordion fold book to showcase their prints. Each class will offer a journey for the artists to experiment with new techniques and materials, explore the various elements of art and composition, and cultivate their artistic expression.
ART Seeing, Feeling and Reimagining/ Frederique Chateau* - Grades 1 & 2, Thursdays 3:15- 4:45 (6th grade class) This 8-week workshop offers a journey for students to cultivate their unique artistic expression through new ways of seeing and expressing the world around them. The young artists will explore the building blocks of art (shapes, lines, colors, values and textures) and a variety of techniques using different art mediums such as paint, pastels, pencils and paper collage. The beginning of class will include a quick art history introduction of a famous artist or art movement and their work. We will also have a chance to explore seasonal themes as a source of inspiration. Art can get messy and students are encouraged to dress appropriately.
* Frédérique Château is a fine artist and art instructor specializing in painting, drawing, sculpture and printmaking. She has been teaching art classes for children and teens in Eugene and Cottage Grove, and is currently an art teacher for the middle school grades at the Village School
Counselor's Corner
For the next few months the Counseling Corner will focus on the different strengths that students will explore in the Sources of Strength curriculum. Today’s focus is on Family Support.
Family Support, whether immediate, extended, or family of choice, are the people who support, nurture, and care for us.
Family support can be an incredibly protective factor for an individual's mental health, can come from many places, and can look different for each student. Families might have one parent, or grandparents, or another adult in a parenting role. Some ways that parents / guardians can show support are: helping with homework, showing up to activities, eating dinner together, listening to your child, giving hugs, reading together, comforting when sad, laughing together and doing things together. Who is your Family Support? How do you support, nurture and care for your child?
Rebecca Macemon
School Counselor

State Testing
The length of time and standards of the Oregon assessments have been reviewed again since last year and were adjusted to alleviate long testing sessions and to give a better picture of where the students are in the academic realm.
Can students opt-out of state testing?
Yes. Under Oregon law, a parent or adult student may opt out of Oregon’s summative statewide assessments of math and language arts for any reason, by annually submitting a form. Students who opt out of state tests, beyond a certain threshold for our school, are counted as “not proficient” in our school’s test results that are reported statewide. A student's name or whether they opt-out is not public information. The school’s participation rate reflects the degree to which the number of students opt-out of testing.
Opt-Out Information for the Oregon Statewide Assessment System (OSAS)
Parents may submit an opt-out form at any time. Preferably the forms are submitted 30 days prior to the administration of the tests. If you have any questions please send an email to principal@eugenevillgeschool.org
OSAS Science Assessment Exemption Request
For science assessments, parents may request their student be exempt from testing based on disability or religion. Unlike the opt-out process for Math and ELA, parent requests for exemption from all other tests must satisfy the following conditions:
Be submitted in writing to charter school office
Include the reasons for request (disability or religion)
Propose an alternative learning activity for the student
Exemption requests are subject to charter school review and determination whether to approve. The form for science test opt out must be printed and returned to the office or emailed to office@eugenevillageschool.org
Village School families are asked to contribute and record at least 40 hours of volunteer work at the school each year, and single parent households are asked to contribute 20 hours. It is this support that allows us to offer such strong programs with limited financial resources. We also welcome grandparents and other relatives to volunteer in your place!
More opportunities to volunteer are coming up! Be sure to watch your email, the Village Voice and the Village Vine for messages from Parent Council, your class coordinator, your child's teacher and the Village School Kitchen, to see the volunteer needs that are coming up for you to enjoy.
If you haven't filled out your volunteer paperwork yet, please stop by the office to pick up a packet.
Another way to contribute to our school community is by attending Parent Council Meetings! Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, April 11th at 5:30 PM. We are still holding these meetings by Zoom so they are easy to attend (even while making dinner or folding laundry) and every parent and guardian's voice is valued in decisions about what Parent Council funds are used for, events that are held and collaborations with departments and teachers at the Village School!
We adore our volunteers! Village School would not be what it is without you. Thank you so much for making Village School the incredible community it is!
Don't forget to sign in to HelpCounter and report your hours so we can see the amazing contributions from our Village School Families. If you
Health Reminders
It has come to our attention that some children have been coming to school sick. It has come to our attention that some parents are dropping off sick children at school. If a sick child arrives at school or a child becomes ill at school, the school will call parents or emergency contacts to pick up the child as soon as possible. Please take a look at the poster below to see what our current policies are. Thank you.

Egg Drop Experiment
The 8th Graders recently got to do a classic science project called the Egg Drop experiment. Justin braved the 14 ft high ladder to drop the various eggs--all with their own specially designed contraptions to cushion and protect the eggs from breaking.
Village Kitchen
It was lovely to see so many friendly faces back at school today and a few new ones too!
Welcome Audrey.

Audrey graduated from the Village School in 2013 and just recently joined our staff as a kitchen assistant. Audrey will be making and serving breakfast every morning. In her free time she enjoys making art/crafting while listening to music, baking, cooking and getting outdoors with her family. We are blessed to have her join our team.
Students and staff noticed some new art up in the Commons today. Local artist, Ila Rose, was inspired by Pablo Neruda's poem entitled "El Gran Mantel" or "The Great Tablecloth" and painted the pair of large scenes seen below.

Students in grades 5-8 had a chance to reflect upon and discuss both pieces in their Spanish classroom before Spring Break. Yesterday, with the help of Brett and volunteers Jesse, Taylor and Rowan, the art was installed above the school kitchen. When you have the chance, come in and check out the paintings. They are incredible!
The Great Tablecloth
When they were called to the table,
the tyrants came rushing
with their temporary ladies;
it was fine to watch the women pass
like wasps with big bosoms
followed by those pale
and unfortunate public tigers. The peasant in the field ate his poor quota of bread, he was alone, it was late, he was surrounded by wheat, but he had no more bread; he ate it with grim teeth, looking at it with hard eyes. In the blue hour of eating, the infinite hour of the roast, the poet abandons his lyre, takes up his knife and fork, puts his flask on the table, and the fishermen attend the little sea of the soup bowl. Burning potatoes protest among the tongues of oil. The lamb is gold on its coals and the onion undresses. It is sad to eat in dinner clothes, like eating in a coffin, but eating in convents is like eating underground. Eating alone is a disappointment, but not eating matters more, is hollow and green, has thorns like a chain of fish hooks trailing from the heart, clawing at your insides. Hunger feels like pincers, like the bite of crabs, it burns, burns and has no fire: Hunger is a cold fire. Let us sit down soon to eat with all those who haven’t eaten;
let us spread great tablecloths, put salt in the lakes of the world, set up planetary bakeries, tables with strawberries in snow, and a plate like the moon itself from which we can all eat. For now I ask no more than the justice of eating.
April Menus

Student Book Recommendation
Written by Juni, fifth grade
Book title: The Unwanteds
This book is a (genre): fantasy
Why I liked this book:
It is funny, exciting, suspenseful, and has strong characters.
Every year in the city of Quill, children the age of 13 who have been seen doing anything artistic are purged and supposedly sent to drown in the Lake of Boiling Oil. Alex Stowe is purged and finds out with his best friend, Mehgen, that the purged, or Unwanteds, are not drowned. They are welcomed into the beautiful, creative, magical world of Artimé. But, Alex has a twin back in Quill who is serving the High Priest Justine. A war begins, and the Artiméans must fight for everything they love and care about.

Mindful Eating
Ms. Mimi recently visited the 4th grade class to hold a special Mindful Eating class. The students got to experience various foods with all of their senses.
Village School Lunch Diaries
There is truly no one that does roasted cauliflower like the Village School Kitchen does! The pesto is also sublime.

These bean and cheese tacos were accompanied by fresh chimichurri and a chipotle sour cream sauce. All the vibrant colors make for beautiful lunch trays!

Parent Council
The next Parent Council Meeting will be on Tuesday, April 11th at 5:30pm!
Please join us and send questions and ideas to parentcouncil@eugenevillageschool.org.
The notes from past meetings can be found here.
Every Village School parent and guardian is a part of Parent Council - The Virtual Parent Council Meetings are open to all parents and guardians on the 2nd Wednesday of each month.
You can also engage with Village School families on the Parent Council Facebook page, The Village Vine!
Community Bulletin Board
Ultimate Frisbee

Ophelia's Place
Ophelia’s Place is a prevention-based nonprofit, serving girls ages 10-18 in Lane and Linn Counties. Their spring calendar of events and activities for youth and parents can be found on their website: https://www.opheliasplace.net/activities-workshops
See upcoming Workshops and Reading groups from WordCrafters. Wordcrafters provides writers and readers opportunities to strengthen their craft, deepen their connection with literature, and share their knowledge with each other and with future generations.
