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Village Voice - Volume 21, Issue 3

Writer's picture: becky faybecky fay

Upcoming Events

  • Wednesday, September 22, 6:30pm - 8:30pm : All School Meeting

2021/2022 Calendar is available here!


Administrator's Message

Dear Village School Families

There is so much to enjoy about Fall. The evenings are cool. The first of the winter squash are being harvested. And of course, school is back in session.

Last week we held the first grade Rose Ceremony. Our 8th grade students carefully welcomed their first grade buddies to the school as primary students by delicately passing them a rose. It is always heartwarming to see this, especially this year.

As we manage instruction while adhering to our protocols please know we are discontinuing school-wide community events or conducting them online until further notice. For example, our annual All School Meeting will be a zoom meeting on September 22, at 6:30 PM. In addition, unless there is a radical decrease in the county infection rate, our Dia de Los Muertos celebration, scheduled for November 5, will not be a community event. Instead we plan to hold Dia de Los Muertos events during the regular school day only for students attending in-person instruction. We are gradually becoming The Village School from days of yore, one careful step at a time. Thank you for your understanding and support.

Speaking of taking careful steps, this week 42 Village School students will be receiving their home COVID test kit. The kits will be sent home on Tuesday, September 13. After using the kit with your student it is vital that the sample is returned to school on Wednesday, September 14. A courier from University of Oregon is scheduled to retrieve those samples at a specific date and time. Some parents signed up after the cut-off date for this first cycle of testing. You’ll be in the next round. There is still time for new parents to sign up. Please consider doing so. The UofO and Oregon Health Authority have partnered to offer free weekly at-home COVID-19 testing. At Home Covid Testing

In the interest of being prepared in case of a quarantine, please see the document “Supporting Children and Families during Quarantine and Isolation, A Guide for Back to School Family Planning,” published jointly by Oregon Health Authority and Oregon Department of Education Click Here

Please know we are here to serve you. We intend to use all the resources within our capabilities to provide a safe and caring environment where all children have a strong sense of belonging.


The Village School Administrative Team

Bob, Andy, Shannon and Sue


Free Opt-in Testing through U of O and OHA

The Village School has joined other schools in a program that makes weekly testing available to our students! U of O has partnered with Oregon Health Authority to provide free, voluntary COVID-19 testing kits to children attending participating K-12 schools.

Use the link below to opt-in:

Please fill out the following form as well and return it to the office!

OHA COVID-19 Testing General Consent Form


Village School Kitchen

It has been wonderful to cook and serve meals to students and staff again this past week. Today we were blessed to have the help of parent Shane MacRhodes serving pad thai to all the students and staff. We still need lunch service volunteers on Tuesdays and Fridays and we really could use a few more morning prep volunteers. Even if you only have 1/2 hour after drop off, we'd love your help folding the cloth napkins the students use at lunch time. Please contact Toña at or 541-510-8604.

This week the majority of fruit and vegetables on our salad bar were grown locally thanks in large part to a donation from Horton Road Organic Farm. If you make it down to the Farmers Market, please make sure you stop by their booth and thank them for their support of our school.

Have a great week!


Toña Aguilar The Village School Eugene, Oregon w - 541-345-7285


Free and Reduced Lunch

Please Check and See If You Qualify!

This year all students eat for free, but it is vitally important that all families fill out a free and reduced meal application.

If you have not yet done so, take a moment to complete the Free and Reduced Lunch Application, and turn it into the office. You can also apply online. Extra copies are available in the office. Our school’s Title I funding is based on the number of qualified households we have, so it is crucial that everyone see if they qualify.

If you received a direct certification letter from the school district that lists your student(s) eligibility, please turn that into the office instead of the free and reduced lunch application.

Contact Tristin in the office for details at


Message From Maestra Sarah

¡Bienvenidos al programa de español!

Welcome back to The Eugene Village School Spanish program. Our younger students (1-4 grades) come to Spanish class twice a week and the older students (5-8 grades) three times a week. The class time is always busy learning new vocabulary and concepts in Spanish, practicing their new skills, and having time for games, songs, and stories.

This month we will be learning and experience the following:

  • 1st and 2nd grade students will be learning new songs and poems. Students are learning in a new environment, learning how to greet each other and beginning to learn the colors in Spanish. They will also practice greetings, counting, answering and asking questions, and the days of the week.

  • 3rd grade is continuing to learn the numbers 1-100. They will also work on vocabulary words from the last years, greetings, and months and days. We will work on simple dialogues.

  • 4th and grade is reviewing learning from last years. They will be learning the Spanish alphabet and counting to 1000. We will start to delve into Spanish grammar with articles and noun endings.

  • 5th grade will review vocabulary from last years as well as the alphabet and counting to 1000. We will begin the Somos curriculum. Somos We will expand on greetings and questions through dialogues and conversations.

  • 6th and 7th gradse will work back into verb conjugation in the present tense. We will be working with the calendar and counting. We will begin the Somos curriculum. Somos . Homework will begin on Monday, September 13th. Homework will be sent home most Mondays to be returned on Friday. Practice is essential to students’ progress. Please use Jupiter Grades to review your child’s progress and participation.

  • 7th and 8th grades will review grammatical concepts from last year and start working with new verb tenses. We will continue the Somos curriculum. Somos Homework will begin on Monday, September 11th. Homework will be sent home most Mondays to be returned on Fridays. Practice is essential to students’ progress. Please use Jupiter Grades to review your child’s progress and participation.

On Wednesdays, grades 5-8 will be taught by Maestra Toña. She will be focussing on Latin American culture. Students will be learning through readings, videos, and hands-on activities with Toña.



Counseling Corner

What a joy it is to be at The Village School! This week, I am going into each of the classes to introduce myself. We’ll explore my role, and how I get to support every student at school. Students will also share with me how I could help them and their class this year.

One common phrase I heard at the end of last week was “I’m tired”. Returning to school is a huge transition, and a shift in the morning and evening routine. This link: SLEEP from has articles about sleep, bedtime routines, and sleep tips for your family’s mental health.

Rebecca Macemon

School Counselor


Parent Council

The first Parent Council Meeting of the year will be on October 13th!

Please join us and send questions and ideas to

The notes from past meetings can be found here.

Every Village School parent and guardian is a part of Parent Council - The Virtual Parent Council Meetings are open to all parents and guardians on the 2nd Wednesday each month starting again in the fall!

You can also engage with Village School families on the Parent Council Facebook page, The Village Vine!


Library News

I'm very excited to get library book check out started again for many students! I will be visiting several classes with books for students to choose from. Please help students keep track of their books so they don't get lost or damaged. Having one place in your home to keep borrowed books is helpful.

If your student's class isn't having regular classroom visits by me, they can check in with their teacher about drop-in library visits during the school day. Families can also visit the library after school on Thursdays to check out books. If you still have Village School library books at home, please return them to your child's classroom or the office. If you know they have been lost or damaged, please let me know and we can figure out how to get replacements.


Molly Bautista

VS Librarian


Age 12 and Older Vaccination Clinics

There are still plenty of appointments available at COVID vaccine clinics for anyone 12 years of age or older. Anyone 15 years old and older can consent to their own vaccination but people under the age of 15 years of age must be accompanied by one parent or guardian (due to space limitations each person being vaccinated may have a maximum of one person with them if needed for reasons of the consent). The vaccine being administered at these events will be Pfizer.


Wellness Resources - The Well

School Psychologist Kelly Korach created a wonderful resource for Village School families. Please check out The Well for wellness resources for parents and children!

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