Upcoming Events
Wednesday, June 16: Eighth Grade Trip
Wednesday, June 16 3:30 PM-6:00 PM: Computer drop off event at the office
Wednesday, June 16, 5:30 PM: Board Meeting (Zoom)
Thursday, June 17: Last Day of School
2020/2021 Calendar is always available here!
Administrator's Message
Dear Village School Families
As our school begins summer break, we want to take this opportunity to thank staff, parents, students and the entire community for a very successful school year under very challenging circumstances. The 2020-2021 school year was full of memorable events and achievements, and we could not have attained these accomplishments without the help of each of you. We are delighted to be part of such a caring and talented school community.
As we look forward to the next school year, we will not forget the widespread disruptions in our students’ school experiences during this past year. Next year we will strive to:
Reconnect -- Rebuild our community connections and reestablish how we celebrate each day, the rhythm of the seasons and the growth of our students
Support -- Continue to provide authentic social and emotional learning activities and resources so that each child has a sense of belonging and knows they are surrounded by caring staff members
Accelerate -- Be creative in how we accelerate learning and the concepts we hold dear at The Village School, such as the pursuit of truth, beauty and the appreciation of the whole child and the development of their imagination.
Have a great summer.
Bob & Andy
P-EBT Benefits
The State is offering EBT-cards in the amounts shown below for families that either receive SNAP benefits or qualify for federal free and reduced meals. We will be submitting data to the state based on income information supplied to us. The amount provided equals:
A full benefit amount of $136 for 6 months (October 2020 - March 2021: months we were primarily doing remote learning), plus
A partial benefit amount of $75 for 2 months (April - May: months we were doing hybrid learning model).
If you did not submit a free and reduced application to The Village School, now may be a good time to do so. You can apply via the state's online portal https://www.ode.state.or.us/apps/FRLApp/Default/Apply or fill out the following application and give it to us in the office. Click here for more information.
Please note: qualifying for P-EBT benefits is based on the federal income standards, which are more restrictive than the recently passed State income standards.
Village School Summer Program
Thank you to all of you who showed interest in our Summer Program by completing the interest survey! I now need you to complete the official registration form. This form will supply us with the required information about your child, including emergency contact information, health related needs, etc.
If you did not complete the interest survey but have decided to register your child, that's great! There is no need to complete the previous survey.
I look forward to seeing you this summer,
Shannon Powell Summer Program Director
Village School Kitchen
At the end of every school year, the students in Mr. Matthew's class raise up their glasses and share a toast. As a parent of two children who have gone through his classes, it was one of my favorite activities to watch the students participate in. We are sending home some organic apple juice this week so you can have your own toast with your family. Think about and share some of the highlights of this interesting school year. Mix the apple juice with some sparkling water if possible to make the occasion feel extra festive. Cheers to all of us for making it through!
Big thanks to Ms. Beth and Ms. Anna from our handwork program for sewing gorgeous napkin sets as a gift to the volunteers who delivered food bags to families for the entire school year! The napkins are gorgeous and each set is unique. They wouldn't have been made possible without the help of VS parent Jessica Bobrowski who connected us with Alison Glass.
Anna Szmit and the Awesome Napkins for Volunteers
Tomorrow, families will receive a bag of an heirloom french bean called flageolet. You will find a suggested recipe with the bag, but feel free to prepare them anyway you like. Everyone who takes a photo of the dish they prepared using them and sends it to me by the end of the month will be entered into a drawing for an extra special treat in an upcoming bag! You will get to choose from a bottle of organic maple syrup, a pound of awakened organic almonds or a pound of organic dried mangos. If you include a recipe along with your photo, you will get two entries. Send photos and recipes to taguilar@eugenevillage school or via text at 541-510-8604.
I hope your last week of the school year is fabulous in surprising ways.
Toña Aguilar The Village School Eugene, Oregon w - 541-345-7285
Parent Council
Parent Council meetings are done for this year but that doesn't mean you can't join in to the conversation!
Please join us and send questions and ideas to parentcouncil@eugenevillageschool.org.
The notes from past meetings can be found here.
Every Village School parent and guardian is a part of Parent Council - The Virtual Parent Council Meetings are open to all parents and guardians on the 2nd Wednesday each month starting again in the fall!
Until then engage with us on Facebook!
Village School Frisbees!
Get your own Village School Frisbee, perfect for the summer! Frisbees are available for $15 in the office or from Ben Fogelson (father of Jun in 8th grade and Hero in 3rd grade!). Travis Eiva and Ben have spearheaded this fundraiser and Ben can be reached at 541-514-4567 to purchase one from him personally!
Principal Kaminski practicing with the new Village School Frisbee!
Return Computers!
We have over 75 laptop computers to collect from families. Before the end of the school year please
1) Clean the computer: gently and carefully clean the outer case and screen of the laptop with glass cleaner and dry towel.
2) Wrap up cords for power supply, webcam, and headphones (whichever ones you have)
3) Bag: Place items in a bag marked with your student's name.
4) Deliver: to office anytime before Friday June 18th.
We will be here late on Wednesday June 16th to check in computers, too. Please let us know if you have any questions: support@eugenevillageschool.org
Handwork Returns!
Wanted: Handwork Materials!
Please return all handwork materials to the office or the silver bin just outside the office.
Thank you!
Age 12 and Older Vaccination Clinics
There are still plenty of appointments available at COVID vaccine clinics for anyone 12 years of age or older. Anyone 15 years old and older can consent to their own vaccination but people under the age of 15 years of age must be accompanied by one parent or guardian (due to space limitations each person being vaccinated may have a maximum of one person with them if needed for reasons of the consent). The vaccine being administered at these events will be Pfizer.
Second Grade Animal Research Projects
Second graders show off their research projects to visiting classes!
Library News
WANTED: Village School Library books!
I need your help getting back Village School library books that were checked out last year. Some students still had books checked out when in-person school ended in March, and several families came in and checked out books while school was closed. Please check around your home for any books that belong to the Village School. They will have a label on the back that says “The Village School” with a barcode. If your child participated in OBOB this year, now is the time to return OBOB books.
There will be a bin outside the office to return books, or your child can give them to their teacher. If you cannot get them back to school, please let me know and we can make other arrangements to have books picked up. Please also contact me if you know books have been damaged or lost. Thank you for your help keeping our library stocked with amazing books!
Molly Bautista, VS Librarian