Upcoming Events
Tuesday, September 29 - 6:30 pm Virtual Principal Tea (Zoom Link.)
Wednesday, September 30 - 5:30-6:30 Virtual Parent Council Meeting (Zoom Link)
Tuesday, October 6 - 6:30 pm Virtual Principal Tea (link to be provided)
Friday, October 9 - No School, In-Service Day
Tuesday, October 13 - 5:30 Virtual Principal Tea
Wednesday, October 14 - 5:30-6:30 Virtual Parent Council Meeting
2020/2021 Calendar
Please check the full calendar for the dates for future events.
Principal's Message
Dear Village School Parents and Guardians,
A big thank you to the parents new to The Village School that attended the first Principal’s Tea last Tuesday. Another note of gratitude to the large number of parents that came to our annual All School and Title I meeting last Thursday.
Today I celebrated with Brett Jacobs, Building Manager. Due to fine handy work, he has successfully plumbed five outdoor hand washing stations. Personal hygiene is especially important to stop the spread of COVID 19. Our students and entire school community will benefit for years to come with this addition to our school.

1# Help Wanted: Administrator for Parent Council Facebook page, The Village Vine
Village School Parent Council is seeking a person that can impartially manage the Village Vine Facebook page. This person needs to be able to communicate clearly with the moderator and all users of the Facebook page so as to ensure posts and comments adhere to the guidelines and values of the page. During this time of Comprehensive Distance Learning, a skilled Administrator is needed more than ever to sustain and perpetuate the goals of the Parent Council and our school community.
Please submit an email message of interest to the Parent Council, parentcouncil@eugenevillageschool.org and me at bkaminski@eugenevillageschool.org
#2 Help Wanted: Moderator for Parent Council Facebook page, The Village Vine
Village School Parent Council is seeking a person(s) to serve as an impartial moderator of the Village Vine, Parent Council’s Facebook page. This person must be able to use the Village Vine guidelines as they approve or deny membership requests and postings to the group. They will also have the responsibility of removing and blocking people from the group. This is an excellent opportunity to volunteer for the school and to assist in building and maintaining a vibrant school community.
Please submit an email message of interest to the Parent Council, parentcouncil@eugenevillageschool.org and me at bkaminski@eugenevillageschool.org
Principal's Tea!
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 883 5878 2005
Passcode: 530548

Second Grader River Shelhart shares a painting with all of us!
Parent Council
Parent Council will be having our first meeting of the school year on Wednesday, September 30th. Please send questions and ideas about the current school year and how we can support our school community to parentcouncil@eugenevillageschool.org.
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81297083521 Meeting ID: 812 9708 3521
Every Village School parent and guardian is a part of Parent Council - you do not have to be a class representative to attend meetings or to contribute ideas. Every parent is invited to Parent Council meetings when they occur. We hope you will soon be able to come meet with other caring and committed parents who want to share ideas, build our school community, and contribute to the vitality, growth, and evolution of OUR VILLAGE SCHOOL!
Engage with us on Facebook!
The Village Vine is a collective community forum for the Parent Council which includes all families of the Village School. This is a place for sharing information regarding our school and respectful discussion in support of our children and in support of each other as parents. This is a space to connect and build OUR VILLAGE community. There are some new and adjusted guidelines that will be posted in the group so be sure to make sure to check those out! Please feel welcome to post and share in that spirit. Click the link to be added to our group! https://www.facebook.com/groups/thevillagevine
Free and Reduced Lunch
Please Check and See If You Qualify!
The new free and reduced lunch income requirements have been significantly expanded so please apply, even if you think you may not qualify!
If you have not yet done so, take a moment to complete the Free and Reduced Lunch Application, and turn it into the office. Extra copies are available in the office.
Part of our school’s Title I funding is based on the number of qualified households we have, so it is crucial that everyone see if they qualify.
If you received a direct certification letter from the school district that lists your student(s) eligibility, please turn that into the office instead of the free and reduced lunch application.
Contact Tristin in the office for details at office@eugenvillageschool.org

Free Comcast Internet Essentials
The Village School is partnering with Comcast to provide 6 months of free Internet Essentials services to Village School families that
qualify for free and reduced lunches under federal guidelines,
live in an area served by Comcast, and
have not subscribed to Comcast in the last 3 months.
Please contact support@eugenevillageschool.org for more information.
Another resource that might be helpful to families is free cell phone service (for those who qualify). It is called Lifeline phone service through Assurance Wireless. Those who qualify will receive a free Android smartphone that can text, access the internet, etc. There is no charge for the phone or service. https://www.assurancewireless.com/lifeline-services/states/oregon-lifeline-free-government-phone-service
Village School Kitchen News
Autumn has arrived with cooler nights and shorter days. Many local farms are starting to scale back on their produce availability.
We've been fortunate to get Italian Plums and Liberty Apples from SLO Farm this month. SLO (Seasonal Local Organic) Farm is located next to Me and Moore where we get our corn from, just out on Seavey Loop as you head to Mt. Pisgah. Farmer Tom also sells fruit from his farm at the Amazon Community Center Farmers Market which runs for three more weeks from 11AM - 4PM.
This week's bags feature ingredients to make Chickpea Tandoori over rice, one of our regular meals during the school year. The kitchen smelled divine as we portioned out the spice mix for almost 300 children!
Our spirits were lifted a few days ago when we received these photos of kindergarten student Abednigo making corn muffins from the mix we sent home a few weeks ago. His mother, Elizabeth, wrote: We just made our second batch of corn muffins today. Abednigo loved this and we topped them with some maple sugar which was delicious. We look forward to our food boxes every Tuesday and the kids are so proud of their foods that come from the school. It's a very special connection for them to have during distance learning.

Toña Aguilar The Village School Eugene, Oregon w - 541-345-7285 c - 541-510-8604 taguilar@eugenevillageschool.org
Supply Contribution Forms
Be sure to get your supply contributions to Tristin soon! This contribution covers art supplies and other class needs that every student enjoys. If you are able to contribute more than the suggested $80 amount it will go a long way toward providing supplies for all Village School children.
Supply Contribution Form. You also can make your contribution online here