Upcoming Events
Tuesday, March 12th, 10:15am & 6:00pm, 5th Grade Play
Tuesday, March 12th, 6:00pm, Parent Council Meeting in the Library ( Zoom link for those who would like to join from home)
Wednesday, March 13th, Book Exchange (1st - 8th Grade)
Wednesday, March 13th, 3:30 - 5:30pm, Middle School Self Defense Class
Thursday, March 14th, 5:30pm, Author's Night (1st - 5th Grade) (Volunteer Signup)
Friday, March 15th, Lottery
Monday, March 15th - Monday, April 1st, Spring Break 2023-2024 Calendar is available here!
Quick Links
In the interest of reducing the sheer length of the Village Voice, we have replaced several repeating items with links to shortcuts:
Administrator's Message
Greetings Village School Community!
We can’t believe it’s past daylight savings time already! The year is FLYING by. It’s still muddy and moist and chilly but before long we will be lying down in the field, dandelions and honey bees brightening the gold green glow…
We have several important events related to Literacy. Wednesday brings us the Book Exchange, and Author's Night is coming up Thursday night. Come hear your 1st - 5th grader read their writings to an audience. Dinner will be served and Conor Tracey will be doing one of his very animated readings! Also be sure to check out the middle school girls self-defense class. See more information on all of these in the articles below.
Did you know that there’s a moon called the Earthshine moon? It’s got some other names as well, Old Moon or Ashen Glow, though I like the term Earthshine best because Leonardo DaVinci coined the term. Earthshine appears when light reflected off the Earth (mostly from the clouds in our atmosphere) glimmers onto the dark side underside of the moon. The Earthshine moon occurs just after a new moon and, as such, will be visible tomorrow after the sun sets. Look up from the Cheshire smile to locate bright Jupiter as well!
As it happens, the middle school students have been painting spheres and light with Frederique. The paintings look a lot like moons! Take a walk and a look in the hallway to see the work they’ve done, it is really great.
We are holding the reins nice and tight, steering us all toward Spring Break! We’re pretty sure we’re going to make it just fine.
See later in the edition for news on testing opts outs and more!
Roz, Shannon, Andy
OSAS Testing
Please note, OSAS testing is right around the corner! Parents may submit an opt-out form at any time. Preferably the forms are submitted 30 days prior to the administration of the tests. If you have any questions please send an email to principal@eugenevillgeschool.org
Please reach out to chrissy@eugenevillageschool.org with any questions about volunteering! We ask families to contribute 40 hours of volunteer hours per year, and single parent households to contribute 20 hours. If you would like to know how many volunteer hours you have accumulated this year, please let Chrissy know. There are a few events coming up, as well as classroom and kitchen opportunities that can help to meet these hours.
Another way to contribute to our school community is by attending Parent Council Meetings! We will be holding our next meeting on Tuesday, March 12th at 6pm in the Village School Library. If you would like to attend virtually, here is the Zoom link
*Please make sure to sign in, grab a volunteer badge, and sign out at the office when you volunteer
Annual Giving Campaign
Thanks to everyone who has donated so far to our annual giving campaign! We have raised $8,600 towards our goal of $20,000. You can donate by card without fees or by check. We hope you will join us in bringing more excitement and fun for students on the playground.
Upcoming Facilities Work
Security Fencing
The Village School Foundation is seeking bids to upgrade the fencing along 35th Avenue and to install new security gates. If you know anyone interested in this kind of work, please share the following link with them: https://www.eugenevillageschool.org/post/fence
Self Defense Class
Parent Council is hosting a Middle School Girls Self-Defense Class on March 13th, 3:30pm - 5:30pm, with VS parents and community educators, Beth Monterossa and Jocelyn Hollander. Please use the link below to sign up and get more details. Girls CANNOT just show up. They must be signed up to attend.

Author's Night
Please see below for information on this wonderful, upcoming event! If you are interested in helping out at this event, please add your name to the sign up sheet. Thank you!

Book Exchange
Dear Village School Families,
Welcome to the first annual ALL SCHOOL BOOK EXCHANGE. To allow for all students to have the opportunity to pick out a few preloved books to read over the holidays, we need as many people as possible to donate books that are no longer read in the household. However, it is not necessary to donate books for your child to participate.
Students bring in books on or before 8:30 a.m. on Wednesday, March 13
Brown paper bags have been sent home with all students, 1st through 8th grades. Books do not need to be returned in the bags if your bag didn’t make it home.
Each classroom will visit the book exchange on Wednesday to choose books. The number of books per student is dependent on how many books in total are donated.
For questions or if you would like to volunteer to help, email: chrissy@eugenevillageschool.org or sarah.lewenberg@eugenevillageschool.org
You can also sign up to volunteer directly here
Thank you so much!
Maestra Sarah (Lewenberg)
After School Enrichment Signups
The Village School
After School Enrichment Program
Spring Session 2024 - April 8 through May 31, 2024
Hello Village School Families.
The After School Enrichment Program Registration form went out last week and the response has been tremendous. Thank you for your interest in the program. This Spring's offerings are a bit less diverse than last term due to instructor schedule conflicts. We hope to add more classes during our 2024-2025 school year.
We currently have openings in the following classes during the third session of ASEP, when we return from spring break. Open Classes
Art - grades 1-2,
Ceramics - grade 2,
Painting - grades 6-8,
Chorus - grades 1-3.
Full Classes (with wait list)
Ceramics - grade 3-4, & 5-8,
Registration forms are due no later than April 3. Please click the following link and fill out one form for each Village School child in your family that is interested in attending the After School Enrichment Program.
Please contact Rachel Burk-Bayer bayer@eugenevillageschool.org if you have any questions, or are unable to access the form on-line.
Enrichment classes offered: (Note that some times and grade levels may have changed from previous sessions.
Ceramics / Donica Beath-Bigongiari - Held in the Spanish Classroom
Grade 2, held Tuesdays, 3:00-4:00, limit 10;
Grades 3-4, held Wednesdays, 3:05-4:30, limit 10; (FULL)
Grades 5-8, held Thursdays, 3:05-4:30, limit 12. (FULL)
Select one day that applies to your child’s grade.
In the Ceramics class students will explore hand building techniques such as pinch, coil, and slab; as well as using wooden, plaster, or paper moulds, and Sgraffito. Students will have the opportunity to make pots, cups, tiles, shakers, monsters, and sculpture.
Art - Seeing, Feeling and Reimagining / Frédérique Château - Grades 1 & 2, Thursdays 3:15- 4:45 (6th grade class), limit 10. This class offers a journey for students to cultivate their unique artistic expression through new ways of seeing and expressing the world around them. The young artists will explore the building blocks of art (shapes, lines, colors, values and textures) and a variety of techniques using different art mediums such as paint, pastels, pencils and paper collage. The beginning of class will include a quick art history introduction of a famous artist or art movement and their work. We will also have a chance to explore seasonal themes as a source of inspiration. Art can get messy and students are encouraged to dress appropriately.
Painting / Frédérique Château - Grades 6 - 8, Mondays, 3:15-4:45 (6th grade classroom), limit 8.
During the first few weeks, each student will create one medium-size painting of their own design. After discussing their proposal and basic ideas during the first class, the young artists will work on their paintings for the remaining weeks. Students will explore composition, color mixing, and various painting techniques using acrylic paints on a canvas panel. They will have the opportunity to apply their own vision to create a very personal artwork. The final weeks will be spent outside, weather permitting to explore a few outdoor related art projects, including plein air painting.
The Chorus for Us Singing Club / Katie Sontag - Grades 1 - 3, Wednesday, 3 - 4 (Marimba/Choir Room), limit 12 Come enjoy the fun of singing together and playing musical games! We will sing our names to each other, play freeze dance, and enjoy songs with and without movement. We’ll sing songs we already know and songs we learn together. We may even write a song! Our time together will culminate in a short performance at the end of the 10 week session. Let’s create, sing, dance and experience our voices together!
Again, thank you for your interest in the ASEP program. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Rachel Burk-Bayer
Kitchen News
Parent Questions
We appreciate when parents approach us with Village School Kitchen questions. Recently, a parent inquired about the oats we serve at breakfast. He had heard about a study that was released last month by the EWG which showed that around 80% of Americans are being exposed to chlormequat chloride, a "highly toxic agricultural chemical." In 2018 the EPA began allowing a certain amount of chlormequat on imported oats and other foods. The oats our program purchases come via Hummingbird Wholesale. They are certified organic and thus contain no traces of chlormequat chloride.
On Friday, a parent asked about our unusual lunch offering. Once a year our kitchen does not set up a salad bar for lunch. This happens on a very special occasion, which is the one day of the school year when only the middle school is in attendance. For the past few years we have offered a fun Breakfast for Lunch. This year we prepared French toast, scrambled eggs and home fries. Condiments like maple syrup and ketchup were a hit as well as the orange juice we offered alongside our usual milk. Although we are not required to put out the salad bar every day, we are required to offer a certain quantity from five set categories: fruit, vegetable, grain, protein and milk. These categories, among others such as sodium and fat, have minimums and maximums for each school day and across the school week. Even the calories we offer have a minimum and maximum amount!
Thank you to those who reach out with questions. We are always happy to share information and recipes.
Have a wonderful Spring Break!!!
Toña Aguilar
March Birthdays

6th Grade Wellness Projects
Last week the sixth grade class held a middle school wellness block on the heels of a Wellness Block. We studied digital wellness, cultural wellness, physical wellness, and emotional wellness. Students made websites, pamphlets, and trifolds on their favorite wellness topic and we invited the seventh and eighth grade to come visit and learn!
Talent Show Signups
Spread the word that the talent show signup day is on Thursday, April 4th!

Enrichment Classes
Scenes from the Sports Enrichment class on a delightfully sunny day.

Family Directory
The Village School Family Directories are ready in the office if you would like a copy!

Parent Council
The next Parent Council Meeting will be on Tuesday, March 12th at 6:00pm! We will be meeting in the Village School Library. For those who would like to join us from home, here is the Zoom link
Please join us and send questions and ideas to parentcouncil@eugenevillageschool.org.
The notes from past meetings can be found here (updated).
Every Village School parent and guardian is a part of Parent Council - Parent Council Meetings are open to all parents and guardians on the 2nd Tuesday of each month.
You can also engage with Village School families on the Parent Council Facebook page, The Village Vine!
Village School Lunch Diaries
Spaghetti Day

Yumm Bowl Day

Breakfast for Lunch, what a treat!

Stacked Enchiladas Day

Hello Spring!

Our courtyard is such a beautiful place to bask in the spring sun!
Help Wanted
Substitute Teacher & Substitute Educational Assistant
Duties: Serve as substitute teacher or substitute classroom assistant.
Qualifications: Experience working with groups of children. Knowledge of Waldorf curriculum a plus.
Teachers require Valid Oregon Teaching License:
[Main lesson (K-8), Movement/PE, Spanish, Music, Handwork]
Instructional Assistant (BA and fingerprint background check required) Willingness to get CPR training Background check required Complete Covid vaccination records Salary Range: $26 per hour for Teachers, $18 - $20 per hour for Assistants
Strong verbal and written communication skills
Benefits include our healthy lunch service, PERS coverage.
Community Bulletin Board
Community Philosophy Circle

Spring Break Camp

Hult Center News
Arts Access is a ticket subsidy program at the Hult Center that provides free or subsidized tickets to community members lacking adequate access to the performing arts.
What is Arts for All?
Arts for All is a program that supports community members currently using an EBT or Oregon Trail Card. A patron can show their Oregon Trail Card/EBT and can purchase two (2) $5 tickets to many of the Hult Center’s best music, theatre and dance groups. Participation varies by event and will be clearly labeled on our website.
How does it work?
Arts For All offers $5 tickets to select Hult Presents shows. Participating shows will have information on the website. Patrons must purchase tickets in person to present their Oregon Trail Card and can then set up an account so it is noted they have purchased their allotted 2 tickets. Tickets will be on a first come, first served basis. Please note, Arts For All cannot be applied to past purchases.
Below are the events we can currently provide these tickets for:
If you have any questions, please contact the Hult Center Ticket Office at 541-682-5000 or hultcentertickets@eugene-or.gov.
