Upcoming Events
Wednesday, November 8th, 6:00 - 8:00pm, Math Night
Thursday, November 9th, 5:30pm, Kindergarten Lantern Walk
Friday, November 10th, No School (Veterans Day)
Tuesday, November 15th, 3rd, 4th, 5th Grade Field Trip to Hult Center
Quick Links
In the interest of reducing the sheer length of the Village Voice, we have replaced several repeating items with links to shortcuts:
Village School T-shirt Sales (11/8 is the last day you can order!)
*Please take a look below to see how you can support the 8th grade fundraising efforts. The deadline to order wreaths is TOMMOROW (11/7)
*The last that you can buy Village School T-shirts is Wednesday, 11/8
Administrator's Message
Greetings Village School Community!
Hopefully everyone is recovered from their Halloween/Dia de los Muertos/Daylight Savings/Parent Teacher Conferences and hit the ground running today! We’d like to announce the winners of the staff pumpkin carving contest: in first place was The Fyined Yang, by A. Peara. Second place was Todd, by J. Boe. Third place was Gnome Home, by R. Macemon. Congratulations and thanks to all who participated!
Please come to our Math Night event Wednesday this week. There will be pizza and lots of fun activities for kids and adults. We hope to see you there!
Today we learned from Rowan Chavarin that a single spaghetti noodle is called a spaghetto. 🤯 This is just one more example that every day we can learn something brand new, that each moment is a fresh opportunity to peel back a layer of what we once thought was solid, definite, factual, for realsie, and see that it’s actually just the end of a magical thread, perhaps even one long cooked spaghetto, meant to be pulled and stretched and followed down the rabbit hole of wonder!!
Last but not least, please mark your calendars: we will be hosting our first full community Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Committee meeting next Wednesday evening (November 15th) from 5:30-6:30pm. This meeting is for anyone who has an interest in DEIB at the Village School. This could be related to social functions, community connection and development, new family outreach, or other topics to be discussed. More information to come!
Stay warm, stay dry, and stay curious! Also remember to take a nice deep breath if you’re stressed out, it will trick your brain into thinking it’s time to go to sleep and you’ll feel better.
Roz, Shannon, and Andy
Community Service Walk-a-Thon Results by Class

Please turn in your donations if you have any outstanding. A big thanks again to everyone!
The Village School Math Night
Math games for all ages including parents! Prizes! Pizza! Wednesday, November 8, 6:00-8:00 p.m. Sponsored by Title 1 and Mathnasium of Eugene
We are looking forward to seeing you at this fun event!

Village School T-Shirt Sales - Orders due by Weds Nov 8th.
Help support the Village School Parent Council with some Village School swag! These items are all offered as presale. You may order items until 11/8. On that day we will submit our order and shirts/sweatshirts should be ready to pick up in early December. If there are production delays you will be notified.
Thank you so much for supporting Village school. Funds from these items go into the Parent Council account to support activities for our students.
You can order at: https://www.eugenevillageschool.org/shop

Turkey Dinners Anyone?
Each year, A3 High School has offered full turkey dinners to families who could use them. If you would like to receive a dinner on Monday, 11/20 please fill out this form by Monday, 11/13. This will be limited to the first 20 families to sign up.

Please reach out to chrissy@eugenevillageschool.org with any questions about volunteering! We ask families to contribute 40 hours of volunteer hours per year, and single parent households to contribute 20 hours. There are many events coming up, as well as classroom and kitchen opportunities that can help to meet these hours.
Another way to contribute to our school community is by attending Parent Council Meetings! We will be holding our next meeting on Tuesday, November 14th at 6pm in the Village School Library.
*Please make sure to sign in, grab a volunteer badge, and sign out at the office when you volunteer.
November Birthdays

Halloween (Pictures)
For some Halloween fun, Village School style, flip through the slideshow...
Check out the amazing staff pumpkins that the kids got to vote on during their Halloween Hikes!
Kitchen News
Our glean out at King Estate was a success! Big thanks to the volunteers that came out to help pick over 500 pounds of yummy, organic apples and to King Estate for donating the fruit.

Village School parent Kate Hearst sent us this photo of their family's pigs enjoying the food waste from our Día de los Muertos event.

On occasion students request particular meals they enjoy. Recently an 8th grade student asked us to serve polenta again. It has been a while since we had that on our lunch menu! Next Friday we will grant the wish and serve up creamy polenta bowls with collard greens. Parents, you are always welcome to purchase a lunch ticket and experience a Village School Kitchen lunch yourself!
Toña Aguilar
8th Grade Fundraising
See some opportunities to support the 8th grade below:
Wreath Sales are here! The ordering deadline is Tuesday, November 7, 2023. Order pick up will be the first week in December. Orders can be made via our online store (click here), by QR code, or follow the link under Shop on the Village School Website.
Lost & Found
Thank you. Take a look at the Lost & Found. All items have been displayed in the breezeway in front of the office. We will keep everything until Thursday, 11/9 after which they will be donated to our extra clothing collection, as well as to a charitable organization.
Thank you.

Cascade Mycological Society
The Cascade Mycological Society paid a visit to the 6th Grade Classroom with an amazing array of local mushrooms. The 6th graders will also got to go on a mushroom foray field trip today to dive deeper into the fascinating world of fungi!
Parent Council
The next Parent Council Meeting will be on November 14th at 6:00pm! We will be meeting in the Village School Library.
Please join us and send questions and ideas to parentcouncil@eugenevillageschool.org.
The notes from past meetings can be found here (updated).
Every Village School parent and guardian is a part of Parent Council - Parent Council Meetings are open to all parents and guardians on the 2nd Tuesday of each month.
You can also engage with Village School families on the Parent Council Facebook page, The Village Vine!
Village School Lunch Diaries
A beautiful and delicious lunch of grilled cheese sandwiches and fresh tomato soup. Perfectly roasted cauliflower with the sweetest pomegranates!

Toña serving yummy tomato soup to warm us all up while bringing some Halloween fun!
Help Wanted
Classroom Support Education Assistant
Duties: Responsibilities include supporting students to stay on task with classroom work, transitions and other classroom needs, plus tutoring in reading and math for the 2023-2024 School Year.This is a part-time position, 18-20 hours per week
Qualifications: · Bachelor’s Degree preferred, but not required
· TSPC license preferred, but not required
· Experience with Reading and Math Instruction
· Strong Skills in Managing Small Groups of Children
· Knowledge of Waldorf Curriculum is a plus
· Previous experience or training is necessary
· Ability to interact with children and adults in a positive manner
· Willingness to get CPR training
· Fingerprinting/Background check required
· Ability to lift and carry 35 pounds
Substitute Teacher & Substitute Educational Assistant
Duties: Serve as substitute teacher or substitute classroom assistant.
Qualifications: Experience working with groups of children. Knowledge of Waldorf curriculum a plus.
Teachers require Valid Oregon Teaching License:
[Main lesson (K-8), Movement/PE, Spanish, Music, Handwork]
Instructional Assistant (BA and fingerprint background check required) Willingness to get CPR training Background check required Complete Covid vaccination records Salary Range: $26 per hour for Teachers, $18 - $20 per hour for Assistants
Strong verbal and written communication skills
Benefits include our healthy lunch service, PERS coverage.
Community Bulletin Board

Eugene - Springfield Youth Orchestra String Academy
Registration is still open! There are a few more spaces available.
Beginning Strings – for 3rd, 4th and 5th graders! Classes are on 7:30 - 8:15am every Tuesday and Wednesday at the Village School.
Eugene-Springfield Youth Orchestras (ESYO) offers your children a chance to learn the violin, viola, or cello – and they provide the instrument to take home! Accessible, affordable classes are held right here at the Village School. Classes meet twice a week before school, Tuesday and Thursday from 7:30-8:15 in the music room.
Scholarships for program fees and instrument rentals for any family that qualifies for federal assistance. We also have scholarships for private lessons!
There are so many benefits! Students gain self-confidence, discipline, cooperation, and the sheer joy of making music together. They perform for their schools, and twice a year, the strings students from different classes come together to play their concerts and show what they’ve learned to family and friends.
It’s a unique and wonderful experience – find out more here: https://esyorchestras.org/programs/string-academy-i/ or 541-484-0473.

Oregon Children's Choir
Sing with the Oregon Children’s Choir!
The Oregon Children’s Choir welcomes 1st-12th graders to join one of our fun and inspiring choirs for the 2023-2024 school year! Develop new singing techniques, learn new songs and make new friends. Choirs meet once per week after-school and perform four concerts per year. Scholarships and sibling discounts available. Registration and information at www.oregonchildrenschoir.org.
