Upcoming Events
Tuesday, Dec. 15th - 6:30-8:00 PM - Diversity Equity and Inclusion Committee
Monday, Dec. 21, 2020: Winter Break Begins
Tuesday, Jan. 5, 2021: School Resumes
2020/2021 Calendar (Please see the end of this post for more details)
Principal's Message
Dear Village School Families,
Thank you for all that you have done to collaborate with the Village School teachers and staff during this time of schooling during a pandemic.
Our goal is to reopen school for hybrid learning gradually when public health conditions allow. Currently, the Coronavirus case rates in our county remain too high to safely reopen schools under Oregon’s requirements and are even higher in the Eugene metro area. In view of these conditions, we are looking ahead to January and February as potential times to assess the case rate data to begin phased-in return of our students respectively.
Planning for Hybrid Instruction
If conditions allow, the earliest the phase-in of students will begin is on Monday, February 8, 2021. It is likely 1st and 2nd grades will be the first classes to begin the hybrid model. We plan to phase-in grades K, 3, 4, 5 & 6 after the first group. It is projected the earliest date grades 7 and 8 are likely to return is on or after April 5, 2021.
Hybrid or Distant Learning Survey
An important survey will be sent to you the week of January 10, 2021. We need to know which families will choose onsite, hybrid instruction when it becomes possible and which families will want to continue with comprehensive distance learning. We also are interested in gauging potential interest in afterschool programming. This critical information is needed to plan for student and staffing needs.
Targeted Limited In-Person Instruction
Oregon’s public health restrictions allow for schools engaged in comprehensive distance learning to provide some limited, targeted in-person instruction. This is referred to as Limited In-Person Instruction (LIPI). We have been providing some LIPI to date. Usually in the form of one-on-one tutoring for students that meet certain criteria.
We will expand LIPI to more selected students to meet specific learning and support needs in mid-January. Selection criteria may include multiple measures, such as access, academic, and social-emotional needs. No student is required to attend LIPI on site when it is offered.
Possible Important Dates Keyed to Local Health Conditions
Limited in-person instruction: Additional supports for selected students may start January 19
Hybrid grades 1-2 : Hybrid model may begin February 8, 2021
Gradual phase-in of grades K, 3, 4, 5, 6, will follow grades 1 and 2
Hybrid grades 7-8 : Will possibly begin on or after April 5, 2021
Thank you for your ongoing support. May we as a close-knit school community continue to work together and follow basic public health practices -- including avoiding non-essential social contacts, staying at least 6 feet apart (indoor and outdoor), wearing a mask at all times when outside the home, washing your hands frequently, and staying home if we’re not feeling well or have been exposed to COVID-19.
Safe and Happy Winter Break
In years past we would have The Village School Winter Concert this week. It won’t happen this year but the beauty and joy it brings to our community resonates in our hearts and minds. On behalf of The Village School staff, we wish you and yours a pleasant winter holiday break.
Bob and Andy

3rd Grader, Cassidy's Charlotte's Web diorama!
Village School Kitchen
Our food bag theme this week is Latkes! A traditional dish during the time of Hanukkah, latkes are a satisfying potato dish often served with sour cream and applesauce. Ingredients and a few recipes will be provided.

Big thanks to our friends at Sweet Creek for delivering their yummy applesauce this week. Sweet Creek Foods is a small, family-owned business located just outside of Eugene in the town of Elmira. The Fuller family works with local farmers that grow organic produce for their pantry products in addition to offering small scale co-packing services to local farms and fishermen. You can find their pickles, jams, salsas, sauces, and Oregon Albacore tuna on the shelves of most Eugene grocery stores.

During these darkest days of the year, may your inner light shine ever bright! Warmly, Toña
The Village School Eugene, Oregon w - 541-345-7285
Skylights are here!
Skylights are here!
The upgrade to the Breezeway Roofing is complete, and with it are 4 skylights that brighten the dark, tunnel passage. Thanks to Evergreen Roofing and their handiwork.
Library News

Oregon Battle of the Books (OBOB) will be happening this year! There will not be a regional or state tournament this year, but the Village School is registered to participate and will have full sets of the books chosen for the 3-5 grade and 6-8 grade divisions. Meetings will be via zoom on Tuesday afternoons. Students can still join meetings at any point that they become interested in OBOB and the meetings each week are optional.
The 3-5 grade meeting for this week will be Tuesday, Dec. 15 from 2:00-2:30.
The 6-8 grade meeting will also be on Tuesday, Dec. 15 from 3:00-3:30.
The zoom link will be available through digital classrooms.
Students do not need to sign up for OBOB at this time and we will not be forming "teams" yet. We will talk about the books and later practice answering questions about the books. In late winter we will make teams of students who want to participate in a school battle (probably virtual, depending on how school is set up then). OBOB books from the school are starting to come home this week, or you can get them through the Eugene Public Library. Contact me if you have more questions.
Molly Bautista
Parent Council
Parent Council will be having our next meeting of the school year after the Winter Break on Wednesday, January 13th. Please join us and send questions and ideas about the current school year and how we can support our school community to parentcouncil@eugenevillageschool.org.
Zoom link:
The notes from our last meeting can be found here.
Every Village School parent and guardian is a part of Parent Council - you do not have to be a class representative to attend meetings or to contribute ideas. Every parent is invited to Parent Council meetings when they occur. We hope you will soon be able to come to meet with other caring and committed parents who want to share ideas, build our school community, and contribute to the vitality, growth, and evolution of OUR VILLAGE SCHOOL!
Engage with us on Facebook!
The Village Vine is a collective community forum for the Parent Council which includes all families of the Village School. This is a place for sharing information regarding our school and respectful discussion in support of our children and in support of each other as parents. This is a space to connect and build OUR VILLAGE community. There are some new and adjusted guidelines that will be posted in the group so be sure to make sure to check those out! Please feel welcome to post and share in that spirit. We are currently looking for Moderators and an Admin who can help support the rules and guidelines of the Village Vine. Click the link to be added to our group! https://www.facebook.com/groups/thevillagevine

Free and Reduced Lunch
Please Check and See If You Qualify!

The new free and reduced lunch income requirements have been significantly expanded so please apply, even if you think you may not qualify!
If you have not yet done so, take a moment to complete the Free and Reduced Lunch Application, and turn it into the office. Extra copies are available in the office.
Part of our school’s Title I funding is based on the number of qualified households we have, so it is crucial that everyone see if they qualify. If you received a direct certification letter from the school district that lists your student(s) eligibility, please turn that into the office instead of the free and reduced lunch application.
Contact Tristin in the office for details at office@eugenvillageschool.org

Free Comcast Internet Essentials - Extended
The Village School is partnering with Comcast to provide free Internet Essentials services until June 30th, 2021 for Village School families that
qualify for free and reduced lunches under federal guidelines,
live in an area served by Comcast
Previously, you could not be an existing Comcast/Xfinity customer, but this condition has been lifted.
Please contact support@eugenevillageschool.org for more information.
Another resource that might be helpful to families is free cell phone service (for those who qualify). It is called Lifeline phone service through Assurance Wireless. Those who qualify will receive a free Android smartphone that can text, access the internet, etc. There is no charge for the phone or service. https://www.assurancewireless.com/lifeline-services/states/oregon-lifeline-free-government-phone-service
Please check the full calendar for the dates for future events. We have updated the calendar through the end of the 2020-21 school year. Due to the delayed start, Winter break starts later than usual, and that the Monday after Spring break is a school day.
Monday, December 21, 2020: Winter Break Begins
Tuesday, January 5, 2021: School Resumes
Monday, January 18, 2021: MLK Day (No school)
Monday, February 15, 2021: Presidents Day (No school)
Tuesday, February 16, 2021: Grading Day (No school)
Friday, March 5, 2021: Grades K-5 Conferences (Regular schedule for grades 6-8)
Monday, March 22, 2021: Spring Break
Monday, April 5, 2021: School Resumes
Friday, May 7, 2021: No School - Prof Development Day (No School)
Monday, May 31, 2021: No School - Memorial Day (No School)
Thursday, June 17, 2021: 1/2 Day Last Day